How to deworm my cat

If you notice that your cat is sick, decayed, has lost his appetite or his hair is losing its shine, he may be infected with parasites, among which two major types can be distinguished:

- Internal parasites, which are lodged in the intestines and whose most common representatives are worms and worms.

- External parasites, such as fleas or ticks.

Obviously, external parasites can be detected with the naked eye, although they have an incredible ability to hide; While in the case that you suspect that your kitten may have internal parasites, it is best to go to the veterinarian for an analysis. If, indeed, your cat has parasites, there are different remedies to deworm it and we explain them to you.

Home remedies

The home remedies have a faster action than the commercial products, however they can be a good alternative when there are not too many parasites or as a prevention mechanism. Most of these solutions are based on shampoos or essential oils from plants such as oregano, pennyroyal, rosemary or tangerine.

You can add a few drops of any of these oils to the shampoo or product with which you normally bathe your pet, and at the same time try to keep it away from areas with a lot of vegetation or standing water.

Spot-Ons or Pipettes

The so-called pipettes are the antiparasitic used most today, both for its effectiveness and for the convenience of its use. The contents of the pipettes, in the form of liquid, are poured along the dorsal line of the cat and, once applied, the active substance spreads throughout its body.

One of the main advantages of this type of products, as we have said, is that they are ready for use : you have to limit yourself to directly applying the liquid on the animal, and wait a few days before bathing it, so as not to lose effectiveness.

Anti-parasitic collars

Before the appearance of pipettes, it was very common to see cats with a thin plastic collar. This accessory is covered with insecticides based on active substances that act by contact with the parasite. Its protection can last up to 12 weeks at most, but from there, it loses all its effectiveness.

Shampoos, soaps or sprays

Although they are different from homemade ones, since they do incorporate synthetic active substances, their effectiveness is not much greater.

They are perfect to eliminate those parasites that have already infected the cat, but little else. In fact, to keep your pet protected with this type of product, it would be necessary to bathe every 2 or 3 days, and it is already known that the cat is not exactly a water lover.

Pills for internal deworming

Before each vaccination, it is essential to carry out an internal deworming . In fact, during the first months of life of the cat, it is convenient to deworm it once a month and, from the fourth or sixth month, once or twice a year.

Although pipettes are also effective against internal parasites, such as earthworms, it is advisable to use pills to eliminate worms or worms.