Because cats wag their tails

Do you want to know the wonderful language of cats ? Let's explain what your cat expresses according to the movement of its tail, because let's face it the cats talk with their whole body. The tail of your pet is your way of communication and understanding all the poses will be the key to getting to know your cat in depth. If you want to know all the secrets of your pet, read on because in .com we explain why cats move their tails.

Steps to follow:


To understand the language that the movements of the tail of your cat contain, you must observe carefully, with time you will be able to detect patterns of behavior that will help you to predict and understand your personality . If you notice that the tail of your cat trembles or trembles it can mean many things depending on whether the pace is fast or slow.

If your cat seems to feel the tip of its tail vibrate, it means that it is irritated. However, if you see that your tail is shaking in a general way it can mean that your cat wants to play and that he feels very happy.


If you observe that your feline swings its tail from back to front it means that it is about to launch itself to attack . It is the typical attitude of the cat when in the nature stalks its future prey, the felines move in this wild and stealthy way to get their prey to move, in this way they can pounce and go for it. If your domestic cat starts to move its tail so get ready to play with it, or else you have found an insect at home that you want to catch.


When your cat is relaxed and calm at home if you watch him you will see that the tail moves slowly from one side to another. This means that your cat is happy and satisfied, and it is also an invitation to be petted if it is what you want.

However, if your pet's tail flips quickly and abruptly it means that it is in attack mode, if you do not back away it may hurt you, and that movement is a clear warning to you to understand that you must get away from it. If your cat reacts like this, the best thing you can do is stop bothering him, in a certain way he is telling you that he is fine with attention and pampering for today.


When the furry tail of your pet is fully up, it means that it feels good, comfortable and that it trusts you, it is the clearest sign that a cat can reflect for safety. In this way, your cat expresses how happy he feels in your home and in your company.

A cat that has most of the time its tail up is synonymous with a cat with a full life. So if this is the most common position of your pet's tail, be sure that you are his ideal human.


There are also other movements of the tail of your cat that reflect negative feelings. If your cat has an arched and inflated tail it means that he feels afraid, that he is scared and may react in a somewhat aggressive way if we do not leave him his space of calm and tranquility. If your pet has its tail between its legs it is another way of saying that it feels afraid or that it is upset. He does not have to be angry with you, he may be disappointed because he has not achieved something he wanted, like hunting something or getting a toy. If your pet usually has a low tail it means that it feels sad and the lower it gets, the worse it feels.


Many times your cat's tail can be like a toy. When a female has offspring, sometimes uses her tail to distract the babies as well as having them controlled stimulates them with this activity. It is a way to motivate your curiosity, encourage your hunter's instinct and boost your motor system.

Observing the movements of your cat you can know him better and be his most loyal friend. One last thing you should keep in mind is that if you notice that your cat's tail moves erratically, going from a fast pace to a slow one, with spasms or other abnormalities, it is recommended that you go to the vet immediately . In this case, your pet may be going through a stressful situation and need a specific treatment.

In our article how to know if my cat is stressed you can find the signs of this condition.