What to see in Girona

Although unknown to many, the capital of Girona is a city that leaves no one indifferent. Different architectural styles are concentrated in their small dimensions, evidence their importance throughout history and make it a small city but with a lot of personality. The charm of its streets make it a magical and romantic place to which you will want to return; we can say that Girona is thrilling or, as the Catalan sardana says, " Girona enamora ". Totally recommended to spend a weekend with your partner, with your family, your group of friends ... Discover in this article what is essential to know what to see in Girona.

What to see in Girona: the Cathedral of Santa María

One of the emblems of the city of Girona is its cathedral, built between the eleventh and eighteenth centuries, stands on the silhouette of the city. The first thing that imposes is its huge entrance staircase, but when you reach the top its huge façade and bell tower will not leave you indifferent and, the grandeur of its interior, even less. You should also visit the cloister and the treasure, where the tapestry of creation is housed, a unique embroidery dating from the s. XI.

This architectural construction combines different styles, from Romanesque - Charlemagne's Claudius and Tower - to the Baroque of the façade and the staircase, passing through its Gothic nave that is the widest in Europe.

What to see in Girona: the houses of the Onyar River

Another of the most typical pictures of the capital of Girona are the colorful houses that overlook the river that crosses the city, the Onyar (Oñar en castellano). You can contemplate them from any of the multiple bridges on the river, among others:

  • Pont d'Isabel II, better known as Pont de Pedra
  • Pont Eiffel or Pont de les Peixateries Velles
  • Pont de Sant Agustí
  • Pont d'en Gómez (name that receives by who gave the space to build it) or the princess
  • Pont de Sant Feliu
  • Pont de la Font del Rei

The vicinity of the river is one of the best areas to stay in Girona, since it is a totally central area with lots of atmosphere; that is why many of the hotels in Girona are located there.

What to see in Girona: the Arab baths

This curious Romanesque construction from 1194 is totally inspired by the Muslim and Roman baths and, at present, they are still preserved in fantastic conditions. We can walk through their dressing rooms or apodyterium, the frigidarium or cold room, the warm room or tepidarium, the caldarium that corresponds to the hot room and the oven room and the boiler, furnus.

The entrance price is only € 2 and a one-euro discount applies to students, children under 16, retirees, large families ... Do not miss them!

What to see in Girona: the wall

Gerunda was the name that this city received at the time of the Roman Empire and, at the moment, we can still see some vestiges of the Roman period. Also, during the medieval period some of them were used as is the case of the wall, on which we can still walk today.

They are thus the longest stretches of the Carolingian wall in Europe (9th century), where several towers also stand out: Torre Gironella, Torre de Santa Llúcia, Baluard de la Mercè ... which offer unique panoramic views of Girona.

What to see in Girona: the Basilica of Sant Feliu

Another of the ecclesiastical temples that you should see when visiting Gerona is the Basilica of Sant Feliu, very close to the cathedral and that was until the tenth century the cathedral of Girona. With a high bell tower stands above any other building, is Gothic style but it should be noted that its facade is Baroque.

In this building are preserved the eight pagan and early Christian sarcophagi (4th century) and the recumbent Christ (14th century) of the master Aloi, as well as the Gothic sepulcher of Saint Narcissus . It should be noted that on Sundays, access is free.

What to see in Girona: the lioness

In Calderers street, opposite the facade of Sant Feliu, you will find something very curious: a column headed with a lioness and some steps that invite you to reach the animal's ass. And that's right, the legend says that:

"Who kisses the cul de la lleona, will return to Girona" / "Who kisses the ass of the lioness will return to Gerona".

There are many versions of the story, but apparently all the people who once came to the city to stay, had to perform this ritual and kiss the ass of the statue. Currently, it has become a claim for all tourists who wish to return some day to Girona. It should be noted that this is an exact reproduction of the original column that is currently in the Art Museum.

What to see in Girona: museums

In response to what to see in Girona, we can not forget to mention the various museums that houses this Catalan city:

  • Museum of the History of the Jews
  • History Museum of Girona
  • Museum of Archeology, located in the monastery of Sant Pere de Galligants
  • Museum-Treasure of the Cathedral
  • Museum of Cinema
  • art Museum