How to write adhesive or addendum

There are certain words that at the time of writing can confuse us, making us not know what is the correct way to write it. This doubt arises in many moments, but especially with those terms that carry the spelling 'h' interspersed and that we do not know how to identify them. In the following article we show you a clear example of them and we help you to solve how you write adhesive or addendum . Take note!


The term ' adhesive' is registered in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) and, therefore, we verify that it is a correct word that has the following meanings:

  • As an adjective : "Able to adhere or stick." Example: The paper I bought is adhesive .
  • As a noun : "Substance that, interposed between two bodies or fragments, serves to glue them in. Example: With this adhesive we can repair the figure that has fallen and broken.
  • Adhesive fabric : "Name given to what is popularly known as tape." Example: You have to hold the bandage with adhesive cloth .

* Adesivo

On the contrary, if we introduce the term 'adesivo' without 'h' intercalada we check that it is NOT collected in the RAE and that it shows us as a suggestion the previous word, that is, 'adhesive'. That is why we conclude that the correct way to write this term is 'adhesive' with 'h' always interspersed.