How to care for a fox terrier

The Fox Terrier is characterized by being a dog with lots of energy, this breed comes in three varieties can be hard hair, straight hair or toy Fox Terrier. The terrirer race is one of the oldest, it is said that in the sixteenth century it was already implanted in Great Britain and at the end of the 18th century the straight-haired fox terrier was established as the standard for this breed. Formerly, they were used as subsoil dogs for hunting foxes, but nowadays they are very dynamic companion dogs. If you already have one and do not know what care you should have, we will explain how to care for a fox terrier .

Steps to follow:


The first step to take care of a fox terrier is to give him the right food. Although it is a small one, it has a lot of energy, so it must be recovered through food. The veterinarian will tell you what kind of food is best for you and the right amounts, this will depend on your level of activity and your age. What you should do is separate the total daily portion into two meals, in case one does not work or causes an upset stomach.


As we explained above, the Fox Terrier is a very dynamic breed so you will need daily exercise . Take your dog to a courtyard or garden so that he can release all his energy. If you have children teach them to respect the animal, since the dynamism of both can lead to chaos. When you are inside the house, provide many toys to entertain. On the other hand, if you take long walks in the forest, it is recommended that you do not let it go unchallenged, since its tendency is to go after some prey and get lost, always carry it on a leash.


Brush your hair . At this point of how to care for a fox terrier is where there may be differences, with respect to its different variants. For example, if you have a toy fox terrier or straight hair, you will only need to give a small massage, with a grooming glove, to make your hair look clean and shiny.

On the other hand if your fox terrier is hard hair, you only have to brush it once a week and take it to the hairdresser twice a year. It is not very usual to bathe this race, it is only recommended if it is very dirty or has a bad smell, for this you should use a mild shampoo and at the end remove all the foam from your coat.


Another of the considerations that you should have when caring for a fox terrier is to train it. This is an important aspect since this race has a dominant personality, so you must clearly establish your role as owner. The fox terrier, despite their great intelligence, can be somewhat stubborn so training it is not going to be an easy task, so arm yourself with patience or ask for help from an expert.


Other tips to keep in mind:

  • Take your hard-haired fox terrier to the hairdresser, not only to cut his hair, but also his nails.
  • Brush your teeth every day, so you will ensure healthy gums.
  • The toy Fox Terrier or straight hair need a warm place to sleep.
  • It is a dog that likes to be the only animal in the house, unless it has been raised with other animals.
  • Also, if there are babies in the house, teach the dog not to react to the crying and reward it when it behaves properly.

There are also some pathologies that these dogs can suffer from and that you should know:

  • Deafness.
  • Shoulder dislocation.
  • Waterfalls.