Why my newborn bitch has diarrhea

The delivery of a bitch is a very nice moment and expected by its owners, however you may have concerns when you see that your dog suffers from diarrhea after that moment. Frequently you worry about the health of your dog when you notice changes in their feces, especially if they appear newly born, as you might think that their health is in danger as well as that of their puppies.

However, you should know that the appearance of diarrhea after a delivery is usually completely normal and the consistency of stool returns to normal in a few days, you can also help this process with some home remedies. If you want to answer your question about why my newborn bitch has diarrhea? Keep reading because in this article we bring you the answer.

Causes of diarrhea in newly born bitches

The causes why a bitch who has just given birth have diarrhea may vary and may be something as simple as postpartum stress or it could be an indicator that something is wrong with your health.

  • Stress The stress that occurs when your pet expels their babies can be a completely normal cause of diarrhea after giving birth.
  • The placenta By instinct, bitches eat the placenta of their puppies once they are born to avoid evidence of predator birth. This causes diarrhea, especially if they take more than one.
  • Food One of the most important things during a dog's pregnancy is its diet, because if it is not given a proper diet it could cause intestinal problems such as diarrhea. Likewise, lactating bitches usually eat more as the time of delivery approaches so that a sudden change in diet or an increased amount of ingested food can lead to this problem.
  • Parasites A more worrisome but frequent problem that can be the trigger of diarrhea after childbirth is the presence of parasites. Some of these parasites can be seen in the stool, however it is best that you take a sample of your stool to the veterinarian to examine and rule out this problem
  • Viral or bacterial diseases . There are diseases where one of the symptoms is diarrhea, these can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian.

It is always recommended that after 24 hours after delivery, visit a veterinarian to verify that everything is correct in the health of your dog and that of your puppies.

Whenever the diarrhea lasts between one and two days is probably normal, but if more than two days pass and the consistency of the stool of your dog does not return to normal or if you have blood, do not hesitate to go to a veterinarian to perform a good diagnosis and rule out serious problems.

Does diarrhea affect puppies?

One of the things that will also worry you when you notice that your newborn bitch has diarrhea is if this problem affects the puppies something. Normally the puppies are not affected, however if the cause of the diarrhea are parasites must be taken as soon as possible because this can be spread to puppies, even being embryos.

To prevent the presence of intestinal parasites you always have to deworm the dog following the guidelines of a veterinarian. If your pregnant dog has parasites which can pose a high risk to your health, you can deworm the dog always following a series of precautions, such as giving it in the last stage of pregnancy because the puppies are stronger.

On the other hand, if your newly born dog has parasites, it will be necessary to take measures such as preventing the puppies from coming into contact with the mother's feces. If they have been infected through pregnancy or lactation and it is too late to control the problem, you can only wait until they have a month to be dewormed because if you do it before it could cause problems for the puppies. If the cause of such diarrhea is an infectious disease, it could also affect neonates.

This is why it is so important to go to the vet whenever diarrhea is observed in the dog that has given birth, so you can avoid future health problems and that the puppies are born and grow up healthy and happy.

What to do if my newly born bitch has diarrhea

If you notice that your dog has diarrhea, the first thing will be to go to a veterinarian with her and her puppies so that he can take a look at them. Because your dog is nursing its babies, the medication that can be administered is limited since it could affect the babies through the milk, so only the veterinarian can prescribe some treatment if it is convenient, never self-medicate to your dog, since you could cause her a greater evil.

If you want to help your dog to make the feces more consistent, you can give him rice with chicken or pieces of apple. If your dog begins with vomiting, do not hesitate to go to a veterinarian since it is most likely that you will be given serum and some gastric protector.

This along with the guidelines that the veterinarian indicates should be effective and your dog will begin to feel better.