How to heal wounds in cats

If you have a cat as a pet, you will have to face the situation of having to heal some wound of your feline . Whether your cat is home or out of the house to do some prank, at some point it may hurt.

If you are dealing with minor injuries with a series of tips you can attend your little companion at home, as long as you have a first aid kit ready. In .com, we tell you how to heal wounds in cats .

You will need to:
  • Physiological serum
  • Clean gauze
  • Diluted iodine
  • Scarring ointment
  • Elizabethan necklace
Steps to follow:


The wounds of your cat can be the result of a fight, scratches by fiddling in the street, by playing, and so on. Whatever the reason, the first thing you should assess if your cat has a wound is whether or not it is serious .

If you notice that it is serious, deep and bleeding, go to the vet immediately, there is no unnecessary risk of infection. A wound that is not properly healed can cause bacteria to appear that can infect and complicate the health of your cat. After 12 or 24 hours, the first symptoms of infection can be felt.

In we help you to know how to separate cats that fight so that you learn to prevent them from hurting themselves.


If, on the other hand, your cat's wound is small and shallow, you can heal it at home. To do this you must clean the wound of your cat . For proper hygiene, it is necessary to remove the dirt adhering to the area and check that there is no suspicious residue or residue.

A good way to thoroughly clean the area is to cut and remove the coat of your cat very carefully to treat the wound better. The cleaning should be done with saline that will remove any dirt and a clean gauze with which you will gently remove dry skin or more resistant remains.


Now you have to disinfect the wound with iodine diluted in water and soaked gauze. Any iodine solution is worth it but you always have to mix it with water. More or less the appropriate proportion for a cat would be to fill a large container and put a stream of iodine, the liquid should remain somewhat yellowish. You have to do this because the human PH is different from the cat's.


The cleaning and disinfection process must be done every day for a minimum of one week or more as indicated by the veterinarian. One way to speed up the healing of your cat's wound is to use ointments to accelerate the healing process.

The best way to apply this lotion is to use gloves and apply it gently with your fingers, this can always be done after disinfecting the wound. After this, let the area be well ventilated and dry.


Finally you must watch that the wound is not within reach of your cat . And that is solved using an Elizabethan collar . If your feline comes to her and licks her, it will delay the healing process and cure, since with her tongue she will drag the newly created skin. If you put a necklace to your size, you will prevent it from reaching the injured area and it will heal without problem.