How to know if my dog ​​has ticks

Ticks are a species of large mite and feed on the blood of animals. They tend to appear at times when the climate is warmer, spring and summer, and they inhabit the tall grass. Ticks tend to hide at the ends of the leaves and wait for the animal to jump, to stay between its fur and feed on its blood . The favorite hosts for ticks are usually dogs, but they also attack other mammals, including humans. They are carriers of multiple diseases, among which Lyme or typhus stand out. So you can detect it in time, in this article we show you how to know if your dog has ticks .

Steps to follow:


During times of heat comes the time of reproduction of the tick . For this to be possible, the females need to feed and can only do so through the blood. That is why patients await the arrival of a dog in areas with abundant vegetation. Thus, if you take your dog for a walk through parks, gardens, forests, etc., with tall grass it is possible that he has found some tick.


When the tick jumps and lodges between the animal's fur, it smears the area it intends to bite with a kind of saliva with anesthetic properties, then attacks and feeds. That is why your dog will not suffer pain when the tick bites him, and the task of identifying the guest will be difficult.


You should know that ticks usually occupy the area of ​​the ears, around the eyes, neck or neck and between the toes of your dog. Thus, the best way to know if your dog has ticks is to make a thorough inspection of your dog, affecting these areas. Look well between all the fur of your dog every time you go for a walk in places of risk and check each one of the parts of your body. It is advisable that you wear gloves.


Another way to detect if your dog has ticks is to observe his attitude and movements. If your dog has been attacked by this mite, it will probably begin to scratch its ears, eyes, neck or bite its feet even days after the assault. By having the area of ​​the bite asleep, your dog will not notice the tick until it has passed the anesthetic effect.


If you have not taken preventive measures against ticks or fleas, your dog has a high chance of becoming the next victim of these parasites. The can bath is essential to avoid having ticks. Use anti-parasitic shampoos and bathe with him during hot weather once a month or every two months.


It is possible that the tick has left your dog's body and, therefore, you will not find it when you do the inspection. However, being a disease-carrying parasite, it may have caused infection, injury or anemia, among other things, and what you should do is look for its bite . Probably the affected area will be inflamed and will have adopted a reddish color.


If you can identify the parasite, you should eliminate the rag immediately . To do so, follow these instructions and get rid of it. Remember that these mites can seriously damage your dog and, therefore, it is so important that you learn how to know if your dog has ticks and how to eliminate them.


If your dog has ticks, it is possible that he has laid eggs and you must deworish him, as well as disinfecting each of the places he frequents, his shed, bed, the floor of your house, etc. Go to your veterinarian for a review and make sure it is completely clean and healthy.