What to do if my dog ​​gets lost

Having a dog as a pet brings us many satisfactions. And also some disgust, for example, if it is lost. Although this tension usually resolves shortly because the dog returns with you, the truth is that you must have a plan in case the situation occurs that the loss is prolonged over time.

From .com we answer to your question what to do if my dog ​​is lost, so that you recover it as soon as possible and everything is in a scare.

Put the chip

Although it is not mandatory and its compliance by the owners returns a relatively low percentage of use, the truth is that the implementation of a chip in your dog facilitates identification. In this way, the animal will be easily found by the police or the veterinarian, it will be enough to go to them and report the disappearance.

Identification plate

Also, you can control the location of your dog in case it is lost by adding an identification plate to its collar. Cheaper than the chip, they are truly useful if the animal is lost and found by any citizen. So, it will be enough to access the information on the board and get in touch with you.

Posters with your photograph

In the event that the animal does not have a chip or a plate, the process is complicated and will lengthen in time. Therefore, it is important that you spread the news as soon as possible. Make posters with your photograph and your contact information and post them in the area where you last saw your pet. Add all the data you consider necessary so that when someone finds it you can be located easily.

Social networks

Social media has grown exponentially in recent times, and is a very effective support to spread the news of the loss of your pet. Thus, publish in those networks in which you are present and ask your contacts to share the information .

Other alternatives

To know what to do if your dog is lost, you should know that you can opt for other alternatives. This is the case of publishing ads in the conventional press, posting posters on cars in the area where you lost, as well as on your vehicle and that of family members.

If you have enough budget, you can lean to go to local radios and televisions and ask them to insert the news in content programs of that theme.

Avoid the loss

To avoid having to go through this situation of uncertainty, it is important to prevent the dog from getting lost . For this, it promotes their education and identification, two keys thanks to which you will not lose your pet.

Here we inform you about the most common mistakes when it comes to educating a dog.