Why my dog ​​does not like the feed - causes and solutions

Our dog is our most faithful friend and we care about his welfare and for anything that may happen to him. Sure you get doubts and fears if you see that your dog stops eating his usual food. We may think that he is sad, scared or sick, but it is normal not to know for sure what happens, especially if we have already tried in various ways to return to eating and we do not achieve it. Other times simply does not want the granulate, because we found that if we offer more appetizing food yes that accepts it. So that you do not continue worrying more about the account, in this article we bring you all the information to answer your question about " why my dog ​​does not want to eat feed ". Keep reading and know all the possible causes and what you can do to eat it.

Causes why a dog does not want to eat I think

The first thing we need to think about is if we are feeding him properly, because maybe he does not eat his feed because it is not the most appropriate, since his diet is practically carnivorous . They need much more meat than other foods such as vegetables or fruits; of the latter only need a small dose.

If the food we give is mainly composed of fiber and carbohydrates, because a large part are vegetables, vegetables, cereals and fruits, we will be feeding poorly and will have nutritional deficiencies. For this reason, our dog can stop eating his feed in search of something that provides more animal protein .

We should also think that the most suitable feed for our dog should have a balanced feed, but also include variety as wet food and homemade food from time to time. Once we have all this clear, we can think about the possible causes that your dog does not want to eat feed :

Poor feed quality

We must make sure that the feed we offer is of quality, that it contains enough animal protein (meat) and that it has a reduced amount of carbohydrates (cereals). We must remove the feed that has as main composition animal byproducts (peaks, legs, etc.), since they are poor quality protein, and / or based on cereals. You have to choose a feed that has the meat or fish protein as the main food.

If we give him a poor quality feed, he will not eat it or he will stop eating it and look for options that cover his nutritional needs, such as waiting for our food or looking for it in the trash.

Little variety in the diet

Even if the grain is of good quality, if we always give it the same plate of food it will get tired and frustrated. It is important that from time to time we give him wet or homemade food. If you see that you do not eat, try to give him another meal of this type to know if this is the problem. Small dogs and miniatures, sometimes, are more delicate with this aspect because they chew the grains more and they perceive better the flavor when not swallowing, although sometimes they stop eating it simply because the size of the grains is too big.

Accustomed to our food

You may have learned that if you wait long enough without eating it, in the end, we give you some of our food, which may seem more tasty but may be unhealthy or toxic food for dogs. Human food makes digestion difficult for them and can cause them some health problems (depending on the type of food and the amount we give them), but above all we cause them to stop liking the feed.

Health problems in the dog

A dog can set aside his food for being sick. So if you suspect that you are sick do not hesitate to take it to the vet to detect the problem. It can be food allergies or generalized, a problem in the intestines or the stomach or even in the mouth or other more serious health problems.

How long can a dog be without eating

The dogs can spend several days without eating but not without drinking water, so if during a whole day or two days you do not drink any water you should go to the vet. If you wonder how long a dog can not eat without eating because you've seen that it has not tasted the whole day or that you barely eat for a few days, what really matters is when it starts to be harmful to your dog. Health.

In the case of dogs of medium, large and giant breed it starts to be serious that they have not eaten for two days and, instead, in small breeds, miniature and toy just a whole day without eating can already be a sign of a problem of health and also dangerous. The most worrisome in these cases is that it can give them, without apparent warning, a hypoglycaemia or low blood glucose that should be treated immediately.

How often should a dog eat and how much daily feed does he need?

A very frequent question that very new people have in the care of these animals is how often a dog has to eat. The frequency and quantity change according to the age, the size of the can and the type of food that we give it. Thus, the frequency of meals throughout the day according to age is as follows:

  • Puppies under 3 months: should eat the indicated amount divided into 4 times a day.
  • Puppies from 3 to 6 months: they should eat their feed distributed in 3 times a day, always complying with the recommended daily amount in grams.
  • Puppies from 6 to 12 months: they have to take their daily amount of feed divided into 2 times.
  • Adult and elderly dogs: they should eat the amount that corresponds to them in 1 or 2 doses per day, but they are always better recommended 2.

In general, the amount of feed that a dog should eat a day is always indicated on the package or by the veterinarian.

Tricks for my dog ​​to eat

Now that you know more details, I'm sure you want to know some tips to answer your question about how to make my dog ​​eat feed . Make sure that the feed you give is the most suitable for him according to his size, age, health problems and that the composition covers the basic needs of nutrition. Have some patience because if you are hungry and healthy, you will end up eating the feed .

To reeducate your dog so that it eats feed you will have to have patience and follow a very progressive process; nothing to change the food at once. To do so, you must use homemade dog food, canned wet food and feed, following these steps:

  1. Do not give him more of your food or sweets.
  2. Get quality feed and variety of wet food flavors.
  3. Put the wet food in the bowl and add a small handful of granulate and mix.
  4. Day by day, change the flavor of the can and add more feed and mix well.
  5. Even if you spend a lot of time without eating, do not remove the bowl, leave it and you will end up eating when you are hungry.
  6. Do not forget to always leave plenty of fresh water at your disposal.

The best tricks for your dog to eat think without doubt are these two:

  • Mix feed and homemade food: as we have seen one of the most recommended way to reintroduce the feed into our dog's diet is to mix it with wet and homemade dog food.
  • Moisten the dog's feed: sometimes they do not want to eat the feed alone and just adding a bit of homemade broth suitable for dogs and without salt is more than enough to eat it all.

If the problem is clearly behavioral and with these tips you can not solve it, do not hesitate to contact an ethologist to help you. Similarly, if you suspect that your hairy is sick do not hesitate to go to the vet as soon as possible.

My dog ​​does not want to eat anything - what do I do?

You will have to pay attention to other signs that indicate what can happen to your hairy, such as apathy, diarrhea, vomiting, etc., and go to the veterinarian if there comes a point where you think you are in any of the following situations, or in some very similar:

  • My dog ​​has stopped eating
  • My dog ​​does not want to eat anything
  • My dog ​​does not want to eat and is sad
  • My puppy eats little I think and sleeps a lot
  • My dog ​​does not eat I think and is very thin

Among the first things you should think about is how much time has passed without eating and what is more important is to take into account how much time is already starting to be worrisome and a risk to your health, although by capacity you can spend more hours without feeding

Remember that in the case of the youngest one day is enough to worry about and for the medium and large is considered serious to take two days without a bite. So, in each case reached this limit it is vital that we go to the veterinarian without delay to begin to perform tests to detect the problem. Also, it will be necessary to administer intravenous serum to help you stay well hydrated and a little nourished to recover, in addition to following the necessary treatment.