How much should my cat eat?

Choosing the right food for your cat is important if you want it to grow healthy, strong and happy, but it is not the only aspect you should consider. The amount of food you provide is essential to prevent your pet from becoming overweight or, on the contrary, lacking nutrients, especially if it is a sterilized cat. In genereal, cats do not usually eat more than necessary, because they are more independent and self-sufficient than dogs, but it is always advisable that you make a control of what you eat. Therefore, in this article, we show you the keys so you know how much your cat should eat .

Steps to follow:


As we have said, most cats are self-sufficient and tend to ration food themselves during the day, however the total daily amount must be provided by you based on your age and adult weight. And, in case you have a sterilized cat or a very gluttonous one, who will owe the food without barely chewing and in one shot, it is always recommended that you give it to yourself.


The first months of life of your cat are crucial for its development and growth, which is why it is the stage in which more nutrients and proteins need to be ingested. Thus, until 4 months, you must give at least 5 meals a day . Remember that your stomach is very small and does not accept very large amounts of food per serving, so try to put between 20 and 25 grams per serving . The exact amount should be determined based on your adult weight, which you should consult with your veterinarian.


From 4 to 6 months you should reduce meals to 4 a day and increase 10 grams per dose. Your stomach is growing and begins to tolerate larger amounts but, always without passing us because we want our cat to maintain its ideal weight. Remember that you should check with your veterinarian the weight that your adult cat will have to know the exact amount you should give per serving.


From 6 to 8 months reduces a meal. Thus, you should give him 3 meals a day of 40-60 g each. And, from 8 to one year of age, reduce to the two daily meals that you should give throughout your life. Unlike dogs, cats do not tolerate a single meal a day, that is why you must ration it in two doses, once reached adulthood, which occurs on completion of one year. Depending on your weight you should give more or less food.


Once you reach adulthood you should know that the amount of food varies depending on the weight of your cat. The general indications for total daily amount are the following:

  • If your adult cat weighs 4 kg you should give between 200 and 250 g
  • If you weigh 5 kg, between 250 and 300 g
  • If you weigh 6 kg, between 290 and 330 g
  • If you weigh 7 kg, between 310 and 375 g
  • If it weighs 8 kg, between 340 and 410 g
  • If it weighs 9 kg, between 390 and 460 g
  • If it weighs more than 10 kg, between 410 and 570 g

These amounts are approximate and can not be adapted to all cats, since it will depend on the sex and the breed of the feline. Remember that this amount must be rationed in two shots . In general, males weigh more and need to eat more food, but when it comes to pregnant females it is advisable to provide the cat with the amount it requests, since it needs a greater amount of protein and calcium, especially.


The cat breed plays a fundamental role in the final adult weight and, therefore, in the amount of food we must give. If your cat is a small breed and weighs more than 7 kg, we are talking about an obese feline and you should put it on a diet so that it will reach its ideal weight again. For this reason, it is so important that you make the pertinent reviews with your veterinarian and consult, always, the amount and type of food you intend to give.


Remember that cats do not usually drink a lot of water and you must alternate the dry feed with the wet food to supply this lack of liquid. So, if during the first months of life you should give him 5 meals a day, try that 2 are of dry feed and 3 of wet food, for example.


It is important that you know the toxic foods for cats in order not to provide them or leave them at your fingertips. Since they can get serious diseases that endanger their lives.


Whatever the race and age of the cat, it is important to buy the food of the best possible quality, for this reason we recommend you visit the cat food section of Miscota.