Remedies for osteoarthritis in dogs

Does your dog suffer from osteoarthritis? This chronic disease affects the joints of the dogs and cause pain and discomfort due to the fact that the joint cartilage is wearing down. You should know that currently osteoarthritis has no cure but there are some treatments, both pharmacological and natural that can help improve the quality of life of your pet. In this article we will focus on informing you about the remedies for osteoarthritis in dogs that will reduce your discomfort and live in a healthier state.

Steps to follow:


Osteoarthritis in dogs can appear for genetic reasons (that have an anomaly) or for any injury or trauma that has directly affected the joints. The area of ​​the cartilage is pressed by different forces and, then, rapid wear of the area occurs, which causes additional bone to be produced to prevent the joint from remaining unprotected. This process is very painful and causes dogs to stop exercising and spend most of the day lying down.

The symptoms that a can experience with this condition are the following:

  • He has a hard time getting up
  • Do not feel like playing or going out
  • Your way of walking is much slower and will get used to going after you
  • You may have some kind of limp


One of the most popular and simple to apply natural treatments for osteoarthritis is to use the heat / cold thermal combination that will relieve the pain of your dog. It is advised that you place a cold gel compress in the inflamed area for about 20 minutes; then heat it and put it back in the same area for 10 more minutes.

As you see it is a very simple remedy to carry out and this change of temperature will make your dog feel better; You can repeat it as many times a day as you want because it has no side effects and your dog will thank you.


There is another remedy that you can use in dogs to relieve the pain of arthrosis . It is about taking advantage of the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger so that the animal's joints deflate and thus reduce the pain they cause. First of all, it is important that you know the contraindications of ginger to avoid worsening the animal's situation instead of helping it.

The way to give this natural remedy is simple: you can grate a little ginger root and mix it once a day with your feed or, if you prefer, you can prepare an infusion and put it in your bowl where you usually drink the water. By giving you a little of this medicinal herb once a day, your can will improve the health of your joints and you will find yourself much better.


You can also treat canine osteoarthritis by adding foods rich in Omega 3 in your dog's diet. These fatty acids contain, also, anti-inflammatory properties that are able to stop the feet to the enzymes that destroy the cartilage; therefore, taking these foods you get that the deterioration of the joint slows down and get, well, control the development of the disease . In the case of dogs, foods rich in this most suitable nutrient would be:

  • Salmon
  • Cod
  • Anchovies
  • Spinach

Although nuts contain a high source of this fatty acid, you should not give it to your dog because they are intolerant and can become toxic. In this article we tell you what are the toxic foods for dogs.


In addition to these remedies for osteoarthritis in dogs you should know that from now on you will have to take care of your pet. So, some care that you will have to start implementing are the following:

  • Give a special food for animals with osteoarthritis : in supermarkets or specialty stores you can find these specialized products that will give you all the nutrients and vitamins you need.
  • Avoid overweight : it is important that your dog stays in good health. With osteoarthritis, you will reduce your caloric burn by stopping exercising and you will have to maximize your diet as well as force you to move.
  • Visit the veterinarian frequently to check the animal's health status and offer alternatives or treatments that can alleviate the pain.
  • Do not expose the animal to temperature changes : it is important that your dog does not go through cold or heat because the temperature influences the osteoarthritis causing greater pain and discomfort.