How to raise money for a school trip

When the good weather arrives there are many schools that start thinking about school trips : where to go, what activities to do, where to stay, etc. Many of these plans are subject to the budget and, therefore, there are initiatives to raise money and thus get the trip you want to do so much. Surely more than once you have seen children selling lottery at Christmas to raise money but not only is there this option to get it but there is a wide variety of possibilities. In this article we tell you how to raise money for a school trip and get to make the trip of your dreams.

Steps to follow:


In all the schools there is a moment of rest in the mornings that is known as the time of the playground or the hour of the recess; It is a break that is designed for young people to rest, take something for breakfast and recover energy to continue studying. Well, a good idea to raise money for the end-of-course trip is to set up a little paradita with different food to sell in the patio.

For example, you can talk to your teachers and determine that on Fridays is the day you start the stop, so you have time to prepare what you want to sell: cakes, chocolates, sandwiches, etcetera. Make an official statement at the school so that the rest of the students will buy your breakfast that day and, little by little, you will get money for the trip. That's right: so that there are no fights, the best thing is that you make different turns at the stop and that way you all collaborate for your trip.


It is always advisable to start preparing an end-of-course trip before Christmas because, during the Christmas holidays, you can raise money for the school trip by selling different things. For example, one of the most classic options there is to sell Christmas tickets at a cheap price, you can make groups and go through your streets offering lottery; You can also talk to the teachers and reach an agreement to sell nougat, polvorones or Christmas candy .

At this time everyone needs these foods at home, so it is a good time to take advantage of it and sell it yourself. Thus, with the collaboration of all, you will be able to raise money for the trip!


It is also a good idea to organize a private party and, thus, raise money and it will be very fun! The idea is to think of a day in which normally you have nothing to celebrate because, if not, nobody will come to your party; so banish your head to organize it in Carnival or any other day in which there are already other parties prepared. It must be a normal day in which nobody has anything to do and what better plan than a party?

Once you have thought about the day, you will only have to organize the music (you can record CDs with your favorite songs of your class, so the music that you like will sound), you will also have to think about food and drink (you can organize in groups and that each one is in charge of bringing something in concrete) and you can organize some tests or fun games. The only thing is that you have to announce the party a few weeks before so that people start thinking about it and reserve the day. Putting a popular price at the entrance you will get many people to come and collect enough money for the trip.


If you still lack money, a fun way to raise a little more is to organize a raffle among all the students in the school. It consists of all those who want to participate will have to buy a ticket and a specific day will be the draw (it is best to let enough time for many people to buy and, thus, earn more money). The winner can win the prize that you decide: from a soft drink to a notebook whatever! Talk to your teacher to see which is the best option and let the raffle begin!


Another idea to raise money for a school trip is to dedicate a few hours a week to do some plastic activity and then sell it in a market with the teachers of the school. For example, you can learn to make ceramic objects, make bracelets, make notebooks ... there are a lot of useful things that you can do yourself! After that, you will only have to take advantage of moments where there is a lot of consumption, such as Christmas and putting a stop in a market or in the school yard to sell your products. It is a fun and above all instructive way with which you will earn money while you learn to do a lot of things.

  • Ask for help from teachers.
  • Acting always in a group is easier.