How to know if my cat is sad

The behavior of a cat can determine its mood, so, depending on how it moves you can know if it is happy, relaxed, fearful, and so on. Depression in cats can also be diagnosed by observing your friend, although it is recommended that, if you think this may be the situation of your friend, contact a veterinarian who will help you confirm the diagnosis and tell you the best way to can proceed to improve the quality of life of the animal. In this article we are going to tell you how to know if a cat is sad by giving you some tips that will help you to recognize this state of mind in him.

Steps to follow:


One of the simplest ways to know if a cat is sad is to observe its sleeping habits. Think that, as a rule, these animals sleep about 16 hours a day but when they are sad their hours of sleep increase and they will look much more apathetic throughout the day. Thanks to the coexistence with your cat it is easy to know a little the hours you usually sleep and, therefore, if you see that lately they have increased, you can begin to sense that something does not work quite well.


The sadness or depression in a cat also affects the time to eat as the animal will be much more despondent and without vitality. The same happens with people who, when we are down, sleep more and eat less, the same thing happens to the animals. But, also, the opposite case can happen: that begins to eat in excess to satisfy their discomfort, this type of behavior is more obsessive and seeks to alleviate a lack that is feeling at a psychic level.

So if you notice that the animal has changed its behavior with food, it may be because it is sad but there may also be other reasons related to the physical health of the animal so, the best thing is that you go to a veterinarian to to do a medical checkup. In this article we discover why a cat does not eat.


It is also common for a sad cat to become distant, unloving and may even have aggressive attitudes even with their owners. This happens because they are in a complicated mood and do not find balance and, therefore, they will be more irascible with their family and friends than usual. In this sense, the reaction is the same as that of people who, when we have a bad day, can shout or get angry because they are more susceptible .


One of the most outstanding characteristics of the felines is that they are very clean and neat animals, they spend much of the day preening and caring for their fur. However, when the animal is sad it is likely to be abandoned and, therefore, its hair will be much more opaque, tangled or dull . Although the feline sadness can also produce an effect just opposite, that is, that the animal spend much more hours of the day cleaning itself in an excessive and obsessive way. Both signs can determine that something happens to the animal.


You can also know if a cat is depressed because it communicates less with you. It is common for these animals to wheeze, purr or emit sounds when they are happy and happy, so if the cat is sad it may be that he stops "talking" with you as he did before or that his meows are more intense.

Think that, in the case of cats, the meows can be interpreted in different ways because they can denote joy, they may be asking for something or they may be crying, so it is important that you be attentive to their behavior and be able to know what is going on. trying to communicate.


Another sign that a cat is sad is if you notice that, lately, it hides much more frequently. It is true that these animals tend to hide in the most recondite places (boxes, cabinets, sheets, etc.), this is usually done by heat and protection, is your natural instinct; However, if you detect that in recent times you are hiding much more than before, it is because, perhaps, the animal is not happy or wants to socialize .


It is also common for depressed cats to stop using the litter box where they commonly made their stools. This is one of the most obvious signs that there is something in the animal that is not working at all well and wants to communicate with you by changing their behavior patterns so that you know what is happening.

However, it is important that you know the difference between being depressed or being marked as, like all animals, if the cat feels threatened in its territory or is insecure, you can mark with a little urine to make clear what is your area But if you find urine or feces in the house, it may be that the animal is depressed, although, it is true, there are also other causes that can produce this behavior, such as, for example, that the box is dirty. In this article we tell you why a cat does not use the sandbox.


Before any of the signs that we have just detailed, it is best to go to a veterinarian to examine the animal and can determine if there is any other condition that may be altering the behavior of the animal. If nothing appears in the results, it is likely that the change will be of a psychic nature and, therefore, we must begin to pay more attention to contribute to its improvement. What you can do to treat a sad cat is the following:

  • More attention : it is important that if the animal is sad, count on you and be close to him. Giving pampering, affection and attention will help you feel much more comfortable and reduce your sadness.
  • Play with him : although there are many types of cats, the truth is that most of them like to play a little while a day, so, we advise you to buy some toys and spend 15 minutes a day playing.
  • Do not leave him alone for long : when a cat is depressed what is most needed is company, so, it is best to try not to leave more time than strictly necessary at home and, if you do, leave toys at your fingertips so you can entertain as well as the open curtain so you can look out onto the street.
  • Peine : if you see that the sadness has made the animal neglect and stop grooming, what you can do is pick up the baton and clean the fur, brush, cut the nails, and so on. You will feel much better and you will make your sadness diminish.