Ecological details for a wedding

Are you starting to plan your wedding ? If you are thinking about the details that you will do to the guests of your wedding and you do not have it very clear, in .com we give you some ecological and original ideas that you will surely like. These are details that, besides not harming the environment, are economical and very original. Below, we explain some ecological details for a wedding .

Flowers and plants for the wedding

A very ecological detail would be to give a small plant in a pot. The pot could also be biodegradable. Another idea would be to give a sachet with seeds of some flower, plant or tree.

Fabric fans

A very common detail in weddings that are celebrated in spring and summer, is to give a fan to your guests. It is a very useful gift because they will not only use it at the wedding. You can always carry it with you in the hottest seasons of the year.

Canvas espadrilles

When the wedding banquet ends, guests are usually tired of wearing their shoes all day long (especially women who wear high-heeled shoes). Many guests carry with them other flat shoes in the bag for the dance, but would not it be a good idea to provide them with cloth espadrilles to rest their feet?

Reusable wrapping

A very good idea would be to give your guests a reusable wrap to take lunch to work, to school, to the university or on a day trip. One idea would be to buy a fabric wrapper on the outside and eco-friendly plastic on the inside, like the boc'n roll. Another idea would be to give some rounded plastic cases that are used to store a piece of fruit (or more if they are small).

Natural soaps

Also, you could prepare sachets of transparent cloth and introduce inside these different natural soaps.

Cloth bags

Increasingly, in supermarkets they make us pay for plastic bags. This is done to force us to be ecological and not use so many plastic bags and learn to reuse them. For this reason, you can give a nice cloth bag so that your guests can take it over every time they go shopping.


Finally, you could prepare cardboard boxes with seasonal fruit inside. It is a very original detail that you will surely love. And besides, it's very healthy!