How to work well in a team

We understand teamwork that activity is not only done but it is the joint work of two or more people who present or generate the result. Undoubtedly there is a lot of literature on teamwork but in this article we want to explain some strategies, tips that will help you work well as a team . Teamwork is not something big projects or big challenges, any daily activity we do with someone can be a team work and should focus well.

Theory about the generation and evolution of work teams

In 1965 the American North American psychologist Bruce Tuckman formulated a theory on the generation and evolution of work teams and divided them into four non-linear phases:

  • Training: When everything starts, the team members try hard and give their best to achieve the personal objectives set. It is a phase of unbridled energy.
  • Agitation: This phase appears when the discrepancies begin around the ideas, functions and responsibilities, the roles of each member of the group are formed. It is a very critical stage and there are teams that do not surpass it.
  • Normalization: After the storm comes calm, the members of the group assume their role and feel comfortable. At this moment, the teams usually dedicate themselves to efficiency in management.
  • Performance: Some teams manage to reach this stage, it is perceived as the team acts as one, they feel aligned with the strategy and execution.

Leadership, the most important characteristic

Not that it seems weird, all teamwork must have a leader, a facilitator, a coach. We have to be careful not to confuse a leader with a dictator. A leader should not be imposed on the group unless it is very necessary.

Mark a goal

As a team, an important characteristic that will lead us to success is to take into account that we work to achieve a goal, a result, if we get the interests of all team members are common we will have made each member get the best out of him same

Celebrate successes

It is good to celebrate with the team the achievements, but not only the great achievements but small things that make the team feel involved in the work and feel that it is part of a team that makes things work.

The results, the best motivator

From my experience, the best way to motivate a team to work more and better is from a good dynamic of results and this depends on the expectations generated to the team, careful to generate very high expectations for a team because if not Get can easily demotivate.

Responsibility without sufficient authority

Many times project managers have responsibility but lack authority. For the project manager's approach to be successful, it will be necessary for each team of those affected by this success to agree to collaborate, and to coordinate efforts so that no employee receives orders to do two different things at the same time.