How to renew the driving license for theft

Many agree on the fact that the worst thing that steal your wallet is not the money you could have inside, but what it means the renewal of all the documentation and cards you were carrying. Among them, you usually find a driver's license, so you will be forced to request a duplicate to have your card again. Therefore, in this article we explain how to renew the driving license for theft.

Steps to follow:


In case of theft or loss of your driver's license, the first thing you must do is file a report with a police station to have a part about the disappearance of your documentation. This way, maybe you can recover your belongings in case they appear and you will prevent someone from using your identity to carry out unwanted operations.


Likewise, it will be necessary to request a duplicate to the corresponding Provincial Traffic Headquarters, so that a copy of the document proving that you have a driving license is issued.


In this way, to renew your driver's license for theft, you must submit the following documentation:

  • Application in official form that can be obtained on the website of the DGT or the Provincial and Local Traffic Headquarters.
  • National Identity Card, Passport or Resident Card in force.
  • An updated photograph of card size and color, in case your driver's license was issued on cardboard; If it was already plastic, it will not be necessary because it will already be in the database of the General Directorate of Traffic.


It will also be necessary to make the payment of the corresponding traffic rate, whose amount varies annually and in 2013 it is:

  • RATE IV.4: € 19.60 for duplicates of permit and driving license
  • RATE IV.5: € 9.90 for duplicates of dangerous goods authorization


In some Autonomous Communities you must request a prior appointment at the DGT before carrying out procedures, check it and make sure to do so if necessary.