How to rotate a video with VLC

VLC is a program to view videos that allows you to open almost any type of file, in addition to making changes to them. However, sometimes, when you get ready to watch a movie that you just downloaded from the Internet, you may find that the image is rotated. So that you can resolve this setback quickly, in this article of .com we explain how to rotate a video with VLC .


When you want to rotate a video with VLC in Windows, you have to go to the menu in the section that says 'Tools' and then go to 'Effects and filters' and, there, to 'Video effects'.

Once there, click on ' Geometry ' and you will open a very complete menu that allows you to choose the angle you want to rotate the video manually through a tool that simulates a wheel.

If you do not need such precision, you can click on 'Transform' and, there, choose one of the following options:

  • Rotate 90 degrees.
  • Rotate 180 degrees.
  • Rotate 270 degrees.
  • Flip horizontally.
  • Flip vertically.
  • Transpose.
  • Anti-transpose.


In the version of VLC for Mac this function is also, although it does not provide so much precision. You must go to the top side menu and click on the seventh item, called ' Window ', and there, click on the submenu ' Video Effects '.

A window will open and, in the 'Geometry' section, you will find the ' Flip ' option, which allows you the following possibilities:

  • Rotate 90 degrees.
  • Rotate 180 degrees.
  • Rotate 270 degrees.
  • Flip horizontally.
  • Flip vertically.