Why dogs get so happy when you go home

There is no welcome that can be compared to what your dog gives you when you get home, that excessive joy with which they receive you, going crazy for a few minutes. Many of us wonder what will happen to them for this to happen, in .com we have the answer to why dogs get so happy when you return home .

We are part of the herd

To begin with, keep in mind that dogs are descended from wolves. Thousands of years ago a part of these wolves began to join with humans, developing their sociability and then becoming dogs, a companion animal. As we all know these are formed in packs, as if it were a family and they greet each other with their smiles when they return home after hunting. Dogs do exactly the same but with us, humans see us as part of "their pack" but they know perfectly well that we are not like them, we are not animals but they still accept us .

They also have feelings

After several experiments in different dogs, it has been concluded that they not only have feelings, but that some of them are very similar to ours, like joy in this case. Just as we are happy when we see someone who is important or who has not seen for a long time, they go crazy when we return home . You have to think that for them it is not a voluntary separation, we leave in the morning and they can not do anything to avoid it, feeling a certain sense of abandonment. That is why when they see that we have indeed returned, that we have not left them, they go mad with joy . Nor should we forget their selfish part, they get very bored when we are not, they have nothing to do. They feel a real relief when we return, thinking that they will be able to eat, play, go out ...

Smell plays a determining role

In those studies that have been done to dogs, it was found that their reaction to smell the smell of its owner could not be compared to any other, or even that of another dog that is familiar. They can smell us even when we are in the elevator going up to our house, their olfactory capacity is incredible. That's why, when we put the key in, they are ready on the other side of the door.

Unconditional love

There are people who believe that they only want us because we give them food or because we take them for a walk, but the truth is that dogs really love their owners . They really value our company and the love we give them.