Why my dog ​​has diarrhea

Diarrhea in dogs is one of the most frequent causes of veterinary consultations, and is that when it occurs frequently or with great intensity, consult a specialist to determine the specific cause of this condition is essential.

Soft, watery stools occur when the food travels through the intestinal tract faster than normal, so the intestine does not have time to absorb nutrients or water, this causes the animal to expel the stools with a large amount of fluid . This picture can be due to multiple reasons and knowing the main causes is very useful both for us as owners, as for the veterinarian. That's why in this article of .com we explain why your dog has diarrhea by addressing the most frequent reasons for this condition.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

This condition is not properly a disease but rather a symptom of another pathology, so it is essential to go to the origin of the problem to improve the condition of the dog. Occasional diarrhea usually heals itself after a couple of days, however even in these cases it is basic to take the necessary measures to prevent the animal is predisposed to conditions that may cause stomach upset.

The main causes of diarrhea in dogs are:

Sudden changes in feeding

Sudden changes in diet are one of the most common causes of diarrhea in dogs. This symptom can occur when, for example, we substitute one feed for another suddenly, without there having been a transition, when we change to a lower quality product or brand, or when we decide to move from the feed to a diet of home-prepared food or vice versa. In these cases it is common for the dog to have diarrhea but to maintain its physical activity, good mood and desire to play.

Ingestion of garbage or food in poor condition

It is known that dogs are sweet and curious, so we must always be alert to not eat any food in poor condition and not ingest any foreign object in the street or at home, one of the reasons for changes in stool more common. In these cases the dog will continue with a normal mood, however his stools will be more liquid.

Allergies and poisonings

Dogs are sensitive to a large number of ingredients and plants, in addition to not being able to digest, like us humans, chemical or toxic substances that can seriously endanger their health. If you suspect that your dog has consumed poison or a chemical, you should immediately take it to a veterinarian for urgent treatment. In the same way it is basic to know those harmful ingredients for our pet, in our articles which are the toxic foods for the dogs and which are the toxic plants we explain it to you in detail.

In these cases, in addition to diarrhea, it is common for the pet to vomit as well, both symptoms can be sudden and intense.

Various infections

Pets can also suffer infections caused by parasites, viruses and bacteria, which can cause irritation in the intestinal mucosa causing, in addition to diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite and general apathy. Additional symptoms may occur depending on the condition.

When to go to the vet

Whenever a dog has diarrhea it is necessary to increase the forecasts and make changes in the diet of the pet to guarantee its recovery. In our article, what a dog should eat with diarrhea, we explain in detail the steps to follow to ensure its improvement.

In spite of this, there are specific cases in which the alarm signals are clear, indicating that it is necessary to take the dog to a veterinarian immediately so that it receives the appropriate medical attention. Your dog should be seen by a specialist if:

  • The diarrhea lasts more than 24 hours and does not show improvement.
  • You detect blood in the dog's feces.
  • There is diarrhea accompanied by vomiting.
  • Presence of other symptoms such as fever, lack of appetite or apathy.

How to avoid diarrhea in dogs

In addition to all the previous recommendations that will allow us to determine the causes of this condition and how to act, it is important to take into account some measures to prevent diarrhea in dogs and ensure the maximum health of our pet. That's why we recommend you:

  • Pay special attention to your dog during walks in the street. It is important that you watch that the animal does not eat any object from the street, do not poke in the garbage, do not smell or ingest feces of other animals or consume possible toxic substances. It is our responsibility to guarantee the welfare of the dog when we take it out on the street.
  • At home you must keep all the garbage in a suitable bucket or in a space that the animal can not access, thus preventing you from eating foods that may affect your stomach. It is also essential that you never throw medicines, chemicals or toxic products into the household trash, the dog could ingest them and endanger your health.
  • It is also necessary to avoid abrupt feed changes and guarantee a quality feed to the animal. If you are going to change brands do it progressively mixing both feed so that your dog's stomach gets used to it.
  • Do not give your pet food that is not exclusively for canine consumption. Giving cookies, sweets, candy or chocolates can be very harmful to the intestine of the dog, causing diarrhea.