How to make a sitemap

A sitemap is a kind of map of your web page, mainly, so that search engines know how it is structured and, thus, find and show you Internet users easily. Therefore, it is something that you must take into account when managing the SEO of your website. To facilitate your online positioning, in .com we explain in detail how to make a sitemap .

Steps to follow:


The sitemap could be done by hand, but it is a very tedious and especially complicated job in the event that your website is very complex.


There are websites that create your sitemap automatically just by entering your url in the corresponding box. I recommend the Sitemap Generator page for the different options it offers and the ease of use.


You will see that this service allows you to include data such as the frequency with which you update your website and when was the last time you modified it.


Once you enter the information, the service will take a few minutes to create the sitemap. The time depends on how complex your web page is. In the wait, it tells you how many pages of your site have already been entered in the sitemap and how much time is left to finish, among other data.


When the process finishes, you can download your sitemap, in different formats . Search engines will suffice with the .xml, but if you want to include the sitemap as one more page of your website for users it will be convenient to use the .html.


Once you have uploaded the sitemap to the server root of your page, you can inform the search engines to optimize your positioning. For example, through the webmaster tools of Google.


If you use a content manager such as WordPress, you can find numerous plugins that automatically generate a sitemap every time you add pages to your website .