How to treat animals with homeopathy

Veterinary homeopathy is a therapy developed in order to promote the health of our pets and treat different diseases from the cause and individual symptoms. As with homeopathy in humans, this therapeutic system analyzes each of the symptoms presented by the animal, both mental and emotional as well as physical, in order to establish an individual treatment adapted only for him. If your pet suffers some type of disease that conventional medicine can not control and you have considered the possibility of resorting to veterinary homeopathy, read this article and discover how to treat animals with homeopathy .

Steps to follow:


Veterinary homeopathy can be developed both for companion and competition pets and for animals of organic production and human consumption. When dealing with natural medicines based on the law of similarity, they do not present toxic effects. In case of producing a negative effect, it is enough to remove the homeopathic remedy and replace it with the appropriate one. The law of similarity on which homeopathy is based says that if a substance is capable of generating a series of symptoms, it is also capable of combating them in infinitesimal quantities.


Focusing on pets, such as dogs and cats, the most common diseases, ailments and anomalies treated with homeopathy are the following:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety due to separation or loss
  • Parasites both internal and external
  • Insect bites
  • Poisoning
  • Fever
  • Cold
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Vomiting
  • Otitis
  • Mycosis
  • Bites by other animals
  • Infected wounds
  • Anemia
  • Hair balls in the case of cats

Although these are the most common pathologies treated with veterinary homeopathy, it does not mean that the rest can not be combated with this type of therapeutic system. In any case, it is best to go to a veterinary homeopath and make a consultation.


Veterinary homeopathy, like the human, analyzes all the symptoms that the patient presents in order to reach the cause and establish a personalized treatment. Thus, the homeopath veterinarian will carry out the analysis through a first interview with the owner of the animal. At this time it is imperative that you have carefully observed the behavior of your pet and describe with great detail each of the symptoms and changes you have perceived.


After the interview with the owner of the animal, the homeopathic veterinarian will proceed to perform a complete physical examination . For this, it will request the tests that it deems necessary to obtain the most accurate diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is obtained, he will establish the homeopathic remedy that best adapts to his individual symptoms.


What should you keep in mind for the interview with the homeopathic veterinarian? Very simple, you will have to look at each of the symptoms that your pet presents, how it reacts to the environment, that is, how it behaves when it is at home or when it goes out; how it reacts to stimuli, such as noise, lights or touch; what is your level of activity, observe if it has decreased, has increased, sleeps more than normal, does not sleep ...; how it relates to the rest of the animals and people in the home; how the symptoms manifest in your pet, that is, see if you have diarrhea only in the morning, if you vomit during the night, how often you do it, if you cry when you urinate or defecate, up and down the temperature, if you have pain articulate and when you have it, etc. As you can see, it's about observing your pet, fixing you in each of the details, although they may seem insignificant.


Is it possible to treat all diseases with veterinary homeopathy ? Some of them yes that it is possible to fight them only with homeopathic remedies but others, like those that require a surgical solution, must be complemented with a conventional treatment. Depending on the severity and response capacity of the animal's organism, the homeopath veterinarian will resort to homeopathy as the only treatment or as a complement to the pharmacological.


On the other hand, the guidelines for the administration of homeopathic medicines should be established by the veterinarian. It will be the homeopath specialist who decides if you should administer granules, tablets or diluted solutions. In general, the ways to provide medicines to our animals are usually mixed with mineral water or administered directly in the mouth with the help of a syringe.


The most notable advantages of veterinary homeopathy over conventional medicine are the absence of toxic side effects for our pet and the individualization of the treatment. Being composed of natural products from the raw material (animal, vegetable, mineral) we avoid that the animals are treated by chemical products and suffer adverse consequences.