How to know if my cat is stressed

Cats are very independent animals and controllers, when something fails it is not surprising that they enter a state of stress. They are very sensitive to changes because they feel they have lost control, be it a move, introduce another animal into the home, etc. Each cat is a world and not everyone is affected in the same way by the same change, so that the causes of stress in your cat can be several. When this happens, the behavior of the cat changes. If you notice that lately your feline is more aggressive, for example, keep reading and discover how to know if your cat is stressed .

Steps to follow:


The most common causes of feline stress are a move, visiting the veterinarian, the arrival of another cat at home, carrying out renovations at home, introducing another animal even if it is not a cat, carrying it in the carrier, bathing it and leaving it alone for a long time (This only occurs in cats dependent on their owners or very used to their company). Taking the feline to a new and different territory is what scares them the most, they do not know the area and they feel that they have lost control, developing a state of stress.


When a cat is stressed, it manifests a series of symptoms very different from those developed by humans or other animals of a more sociable nature, such as dogs. This fact can lead to confusion, believe that it is only a bad behavior and not repair the new state of our feline. Therefore, it is very important to consult with your veterinarian if we notice a different behavior.


One of the most common symptoms that can tell us that our cat has stress is the marking of walls and furniture with the nails. If our cat had never left marks in our home and begins to scratch from top to bottom ( vertical scratches ) any area of ​​the house or large furniture, such as the sofa, may suffer stress and is asking for help.


Marking with urine and bowel movements outside of its litter box, regardless of cat sex, is another symptom of feline stress. Believing that he has lost control, he feels the need to mark the new home to reclaim his territory. Another symptom may be the tremors in our feline.


Adopting aggressive behavior or obsessively biting woolen or similar fabrics are other symptoms that a cat with stress may present. This can be accompanied by hyperactivity. Above all the aggressive attitude is usually shown when the cause is the introduction of another cat or reforms at home. Also, when we try to calm him down, he may feel attacked and turn against us. This does not mean that we are the cause of your stress, only that we are not acting appropriately to help you. If your cat reaches this point, do not hesitate to go to the vet immediately.


In more advanced cases of stress, this can lead to more serious diseases and abnormalities, such as hair loss, acute dermatitis, chronic colitis, asthma, infections or even idiopathic interstitial cystitis. Therefore, it is essential that you take it to the veterinarian before this happens. Once you have identified the state of stress, you must take the appropriate measures to combat it, see our article on how to reduce stress in my cat.