What to do if I am receiving unemployment and I am pregnant

Many women find themselves in a situation of unemployment and maternity at the same time, and then ask themselves whether unemployment aid and maternity allowance are compatible. The truth is that it depends on whether a benefit or an unemployment benefit is being charged, as well as a different case if maternity begins before the end of the employment contract . In any case, if you are pregnant and you do not have a job, you should know what your rights and options are for receiving benefits. In .com we help you with this article on what to do if I am charging unemployment and I am pregnant.

If you receive unemployment benefit

If your motherhood takes place while you are receiving a contributory level unemployment benefit, you can suspend it and start receiving the maternity benefit paid by the National Institute of Social Security. You must deliver the Social Security medical report to the employment office so that the Public Employment Service (SEPE) suspends the demand for employment, which means that you will not have to renew it, nor will you be called to training courses or offers of work. The unemployment benefit is stopped and is not consumed while you receive the maternity aid. At the end, if you continue in unemployment situation, you can resume the service suspended for the duration and amount that were pending at the time of suspension. You have 15 days to request resumption after the end of maternity benefits.

If you receive unemployment benefit

In case you do not have the right to unemployment and, therefore, to receive the unemployment benefit but the unemployment benefit, you will continue to receive the subsidy for the same amount and duration while the maternity takes place. Your situation as a job seeker is also modified, and you will not have to renew the demand nor will you receive calls for training courses, job offers or other services. But in the case that you consume the subsidy and continue in a maternity situation, you will not have right to economic benefit for maternity by the National Institute of Social Security.

If motherhood begins before I finish my contract

If your situation is that while your maternity is ending your contract, you will continue to receive your maternity benefit from the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) until the medical discharge or end of that situation. Then, you can start applying for the unemployment benefit or allowance within 15 working days of the end of the maternity period.

  • Be well informed and make sure of the rights and duties you have if you are pregnant and you receive unemployment.