How to download PDF books and optimize them for Kindle

Do I really have to buy all the books, when I am buying them through the Internet? This is one of the main questions that every user who buys a Kindle ever wonders; the answer, obviously, is negative. Although it is true that the price of electronic books is low, the latest news usually cost a relatively high monetary amount, taking into account that the acquired support is not physical. If you have ever tried to download a PDF book and, when transferring it to your Kindle device, you have discovered that it was not optimized, in .com we explain how to enjoy them completely for free:

You will need to:
  • A computer with Internet access.
  • Acrobat Reader.
  • Microsoft Word.
Steps to follow:


Search in Google the name of the book you want to get, adding the term PDF to the search.


Next, enter any of the first three results and download it. In this case, for example, in .com we were lucky and the first search result was the one we were looking for.


Open the PDF document downloaded in the previous step and select all the text; to do so, go to 'Edit' and press 'Select all'.


Copy the selected content by going to 'Edit' and then clicking on 'Copy'. Or, pressing CTRL + C.


Open a new Word document and select paste. You can also do it by pressing CTRL + V.


One of the reasons why it is impossible to read PDF correctly on Kindle is because the size of the letter dwarfs incredibly and is difficult to read easily. For this reason, all you have to do is increase the size of the letter.


Save the Microsoft Word file in PDF and import it into your Kindle . Perfect!