How to clean my dog's legs after walking

Do you come from the walk and your dog has dirty legs and full of mud? It is a very typical situation, especially among the dogs that love to walk in the rain, trample puddles, get into rivers or bathe in mud. Therefore, many people ask themselves " how to clean my dog's legs after walking? ", With the idea of ​​avoiding dirtying the whole house, as well as maintaining good hygiene of your furry companion.

Therefore, in this article we are going to give you some advice on how to solve this problem before putting a leg at home and, also, once inside. Take note of the following tips!

Can a dog's legs be washed daily?

This is one of the first unknowns that appear, since the walks are every day and several times and, normally, we have understood that it is not advisable to bathe a dog very often so as not to damage the skin and hair.

In fact, really, although the frequency of bathing recommended not to damage the dermis and the fur of a dog is once a month at the most, and better if it is every time, the truth is that if it is really necessary to wash them, about all if it is only in an isolated area such as the legs, it is better to maintain this hygiene more often to avoid health problems, such as infections.

Thus, dogs' legs can be cleaned often, provided disinfectants such as alcohol or povidone-iodine are not used every time. Hygiene in the legs of the dog is really fundamental not only for his health, but also for the others who live with him, be they other animals or people.

Also keep in mind that you can choose to clean only the pads of the dog or the whole legs, it is always advisable to wash only the really dirty part. Therefore, if your furry has only dirty pads and little else, do not wash the entire legs.

Take wipes before going for a walk with your dog

There are wet wipes for dogs, specially made with a pH suitable for the skin of these animals, so they are a better option than those we use. It is recommended that you buy some and add them to your bag, backpack or keep some in a towel holder to tie on the strap, like the bags to collect stool.

Thus, you can clean the legs of your dog before entering the house easily. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Ask your dog to sit down, for what he must have learned to do before. In this other article we tell you How to teach a dog to sit.
  2. Ask him to give you his leg or take it gently.
  3. Use a wipe to clean the sole of your foot, ie the pad, between the fingers, the nails and a little higher, for example, until before the elbow.
  4. Repeat the process with each leg using a different wipe for each one if necessary. In the case of the hind legs it is best that the dog is on all fours and you lift each foot carefully when you go to wash it.
  5. It is very important that during the whole process you are both calm and do not do it abruptly.

This cleaning is very useful when you simply want to make sure you remove the dirt that may have collected your skin and hair during the ride: dirt, dust, mud, and so on. On the other hand, if you need a deeper cleaning or cure a wound, it will be necessary to perform a more complete foot bath . In the case of any type of injury, it will be necessary, after bathing, to heal the affected area and, of course, to have it checked by a veterinarian.

Foot cleaner for dogs

It is a device to clean the legs of dogs easier than bathing the whole dog and inside the house. It can be used both before entering the house and once inside.

It is a container of elongated shape like the leg of the dog, or shorter if it is designed only for the part of the foot, which has on the upper part rubber bands that help to adapt to the leg of the dog so that it does not come off. When it's going to be used, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Fill dog leg cleaner with water and some of the dog shampoo you use regularly
  2. Introduce the hairy leg.
  3. Shake a little so that it reaches all parts of the leg.
  4. Remove the cleaner and dry well.
  5. Repeat the process with each leg, changing the water when it is dirty.

Actually, it has the same function and procedure as if you wash your furry with a basin or tub, but being much more comfortable and cleaner, because it is easily avoided splashing the floor. You can buy it in stores of animal products both physical and online.

How to clean my dog's legs at home

To clean the legs of your furry once inside the house or in the garden or terrace, it is best to use the bathtub with little water or a basin or basin. In addition, you will need to use shampoo or povidone iodine. The latter is an antiseptic solution that serves to disinfect the skin, so it will prevent unwanted residues remain on the skin and hair of the animal and can be spread, both by your own body and by our home. In addition, it is recommended to use it in case there is a slight injury. To make a leg bath your dog follows these steps:

  1. Fill the container with enough water to cover all the part of the legs you want to clean, if only the pads you will need less than if you want to wash up to the elbow and knees.
  2. Add a few drops of the dog shampoo you usually use or, you can use a little povidone iodine
  3. Place a towel on the floor and over the bowl with water and leave another towel, or more depending on the size of your hairy, next to the end of the toilet.
  4. Place your dog in the tub or insert one leg at a time, depending on how comfortable it is for your furry.
  5. Let the leg soak between 2 and 5 minutes and gently rub your hands to help clean the area well.
  6. In the case of using shampoo you will have to rinse well, so we recommend having a jug, jug or hose by hand, but if you use povidone iodine it is not necessary to rinse.
  7. Dry the legs of your pet with a clean towel and soft touches.

How to clean my dog ​​after a walk

You may have to use other methods if after a walk you need to clean your furry past its legs. This is advisable only when it has really been dirtied, for example, with mud, dirty water or it has rolled up in the urine or feces of other animals, a situation that is also quite common.

In this case, it will be necessary to bathe your entire dog, always following the usual guidelines to avoid otitis, skin problems, colds, and so on. In this other article we tell you How to bathe my dog ​​at home.

However, when you want to clean your dog after walking without being really dirty, just by removing the dirt particles from the environment that stick to your hair and skin or, for example, if it has rained a little, then it is not recommended that you bathe your furry. The best thing in this case will be to dry it well with a towel if it is somewhat damp and brush your coat thoroughly.