How to treat paralysis in dogs

Your dog is paralyzed and you do not know how to take care of him? Well let's help you with this task. To begin, you must be clear that the ability of a dog to move depends on the capacity of his brain, muscles, spine and nerves, working in a coordinated manner. If any of these connections fails, it is when your pet may suffer from paralysis. First of all, you should not be alarmed, you must be patient, considerate and think about the new situation that your dog and you will have to manage. In this .com article we explain how to treat paralysis in dogs, because your pet deserves the best.

Steps to follow:


There is a complex communication system to exchange information when the nerves in the brain send messages to the whole body, and this in turn sends messages to the brain about the environment. All this information is transmitted through the nerves in the cord. The nerves and the medulla are the so-called central nervous system, when there is a bad communication between the body and the brain, it is when the inability to coordinate movements occurs . When a dog is paralyzed, it is often because the communication between the brain and the spinal cord has been interrupted.


There are many cases in which the dog can not move the legs, which is known as total paralysis, but there are other cases in which there is some communication between the brain and the spine. In this last case, your pet will have some difficulty moving and also some weakness, which is what is called partial paralysis. There are examples of dogs that can be paralyzed from their four limbs, and in other cases, the dog can control the movement of some of its limbs.

It is also true that there are some races more prone than others. Dogs that have a long back like the basset and the sausage are often affected by the torture of their vertebral discs, since they exert pressure on the marrow. There are breeds that have a certain genetic predisposition to suffer degenerative myelopathy, a condition that affects the nerves of the back of dogs. It is a progressive disorder that eventually leads to paralysis of the hind legs.


Leaving aside the genetic predisposition, once your dog has been diagnosed with paralysis what you should do is follow the treatment to the letter. The development of your treatment will depend on the cause that caused the paralysis.

If your dog has difficulty urinating, walking or defecating on his own, it is best to have your dog in the hospital until the best way to deal with the problem is found. From that moment, the specialist will follow up on how it progresses and recovers, if it is the case. If, in addition, he suffers pain, the doctor will prescribe something to control him, his bladder will be emptied several times a day with a catheter and the dog must be moved so that he does not have ulcers because he is always in the same position.

If the cause of the paralysis is a herniated disc or infection, it should be treated with anti-inflammatory medication, surgery and, later, with therapy. Obstructions or tumors of the blood flow can be solved in an intervention depending on the area in which they are located. There are pets that suffer paralysis, recover, but all this will depend on the severity of their condition. The dog will usually remain in the hospital until he can walk or decide to send him home with some care so that he recovers in the family environment.


Your veterinarian will be the one who will help you make a plan of care for your dog at home. Your pet may resist a bit because he feels pain, but with gentleness and affection, his reactions will improve. Even when you have to give him medication it may be a good idea to ask for help so that someone keeps him quiet and safe, wrapping him in a blanket.

You must follow all the attention prescribed by your veterinarian. If you have prescribed medications, you should make sure to administer them all even after your dog seems recovered. If you suffer pain, talk to the specialist and do not give your pet any drug without supervision.


In cases where the paralysis is total and there is no possibility of improvement, there are wheelchairs that are designed for dogs in these circumstances. Thus, your friend can have a normal life, go for a walk, play and be very, very happy. A final recommendation is that, in these cases, your pet is sterilized so that it does not risk injuries during mating.