What are the most common diseases in dogs

All living beings can get sick, and the animals that accompany us in our lives are no exception. One of the most common animals in homes is dogs, if we have one at home or we are thinking of welcoming one soon, we should keep ourselves informed of their basic needs and care, what happens to know which are the most common diseases in the domestic dogs.

In we want to help you to have this knowledge and, therefore, we have prepared this informative article about what are the most common diseases in dogs, but we remind you that you always have to ask all your doubts to your trusted veterinarian.

Common hereditary diseases in dogs

These types of diseases are those that dogs can develop throughout their lives, whether from birth, youth or adults, and are transmitted to the offspring by genetics. These are the most frequent hereditary diseases in dogs :

Primary glaucoma

This hereditary disease in dogs affects your eyes and, specifically, is caused by an excessive accumulation of humor or fluid in the eye. This humor is formed in the eye and serves to make eye structures work well, so it is constantly renewed. The problem appears when it can not be renewed correctly and accumulates, increases eye pressure and damages the optic nerve.


Rheumatism is a set of conditions that act on the joints, bones, muscles, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue and is degenerative. The dog will have inflammation, pain and stiffness and there is no direct and specific treatment, but ways to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life.


This hereditary disease is also suffered by people. In the case of dogs is not very different from what we can suffer, because it has a strong genetic factor, although it is not the only possible cause, and produces a wear on the joints that prevents the correct movement of these and produces pain. Therefore, to treat canine osteoarthritis, anti-inflammatories and therapy with specific exercises are prescribed.

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia in dogs affects the joints of the hip, in the area where the pelvis and the head of the femur meet. The acetabulum of the pelvis, the cavity in which the upper process of the femur fits, does not have the correct shape and is flatter or shorter, so it does not accept the femur well and it becomes dislocated, which produces lameness in different degrees and pains It is also possible that the apophysis or head of the femur is flat or very worn and likewise does not fit well. We will observe that the back legs of the dog fail, besides that it does not want to move much, limps, it hurts when touching the area, et cetera.

It mainly affects large and giant races and appears after 4 months, but may manifest sooner or later. It is also common in older dogs, dogs that exercise too much or that are obese.

The most common neurological diseases in dogs

Other common diseases in dogs that must be known are those that affect the nervous system or neurological diseases although, fortunately, they are not the most common of all those discussed in this article.


It is the inflammation of the meninges or inflammation of the membranes that line the brain and spinal cord, which can also evolve and inflame the marrow and the brain. Meningitis can be caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria and other parasitic microorganisms. Dogs have high fever, lack of coordination, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, muscle stiffness and great sensitivity to touch among others. As soon as you suspect you should go to the vet quickly.


This disease occurs when the electrochemical stimuli between the neurons are uncontrolled and convulsions occur. The dog can suffer crises or attacks throughout his life at any time and can be controlled with specific medication, both to stop them when they happen and to make them occur less often.

Senile dementia

It is about degeneration in the nervous system and with age these are reflected in aspects such as lack of coordination but also at the mental level as, for example, in memory. Thus, when dogs get older they can suffer from senile dementia just like people do. There is no specific treatment just to know how to take care of a dog that suffers it and to give it the best possible quality of life, being able to be a happy dog ​​without major problems.

The main bacterial diseases in dogs

These are the most common bacterial diseases in dogs and are prevented, generally, through proper hygiene of the dog and the place where he lives and with proper nutrition.


It occurs when there is a bacterial infection that affects not only the teeth but the rest of the parts, such as the gums, the bones of the jaws, the ligaments and the tendons. It is produced by an accumulation of excessive scale for a long time. Teeth are lost, but also bone and if untreated can lead to death by septicemia, that is, when the infection deepens so much that it passes into the blood. Thus, we must ensure that there are no tartar problems, which will prevent this disease.


This infection affects the urinary tract, causing frequent urination, pain and inflammation of the area. It must be treated promptly to avoid the great discomfort it supposes and so that it does not advance, because if it does it can become chronic and even end in a kidney infection.


It is a severe infection caused by bacteria in the womb or uterus of bitches, causing swelling in the belly, the appearance of pus and, sometimes, blood through the vulva, fever, lack of appetite, decay, diarrhea, vomiting, frequent urination and licking the vulva frequently. The pyometra is a condition that requires urgent veterinary attention, either through antibacterial medications and / or hysterectomy.

Canine leptospirosis

This bacterium is present in the urine of infected dogs, as well as in infected rats, so it is easily transmitted when dogs smell these urines. There is fever, bloody vomiting, diarrhea and darkened urine. If it is not treated in time it can cause death or leave serious consequences.

The most frequent viral diseases in dogs

Viral diseases are more or less common in dogs according to the area in which they live, as it happens with the bacterial and parasitic of other types, because not in all places there are the same microorganisms or in the same amount. In any case, in a general way, these are the most common viral diseases in dogs .


Rabies is one of the most deadly viral diseases that many mammals, including dogs, can suffer from. It is spread through direct contact with saliva and wounds, so bites are one of the most common but not the only forms. Among the symptoms there is aggressiveness and excessive salivation with foam. There is an anti-rabies vaccine but there is no treatment, so prevention is better.


It is another deadly virus that few manage to overcome and if they succeed they can be left with consequences for life. Therefore, the best thing is to prevent and vaccinate them when they are puppies. It is not frequent that it affects the vaccinated dogs and less if they are already adults. The symptoms of canine parvovirus are fever, lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea with blood, problems breathing, dehydration and lethargy. It has no direct treatment, but adequate care and medication are given to alleviate the symptoms.


One of the most contagious viral diseases in dogs and that mainly affects puppies and elderly unvaccinated, because there is a vaccine that is the best prevention. There is also no specific treatment and only the symptoms are treated and special care is given, but even so few overcome it and many die. Symptoms include heavy nasal discharge, fever, loss of appetite, and dehydration.

Canine viral hepatitis

This virus that affects the liver is called canine adenovirus type 1 and produces symptoms such as abdominal pain, enlarged liver, jaundice, bleeding gums, lethargy, fever, tonsillitis, irritated mucous membranes and swollen lymph nodes. It has no direct treatment and only symptoms are treated to help overcome the process, but many die.

Canine coronavirus

It affects the intestines and can get a can at any age, but mainly affects puppies. The symptoms are abundant diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite and weight and the treatment is based on reducing the symptoms to help the body overcome the cycle of the virus.

Canine infectious tracheobronchitis

Commonly called kennel cough, it is produced by canine adenovirus type 2 or canine parainfluenza virus. It affects the respiratory tract and is contagious orally and nasally when contacted with these viruses that may be in feces, urine or the infected environment itself. It produces dry cough, nasal secretions, oral expectorations or mild and mucous vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite. It can be treated with isolation and special care, along with anti-inflammatories, antibiotics and analgesics, but if it is not treated or it is detected advanced it can be deadly. There is a vaccine to prevent them from spreading, because transmission is really easy, especially in places with many dogs together.

Common internal and external parasites in dogs

There are parasites that frequently affect the dogs internally and there are those that do it externally, producing the following conditions and parasitic diseases in dogs :

Internal parasites in dogs

  • Toxoplasmosis: caused by parasitic protozoa that produce respiratory, gastrointestinal and neuromuscular symptoms. It is spread by coming into contact with contaminated feces and urine of other animals, whether mammals, birds or reptiles, as it affects all these types. It has treatment, but it is high risk in pregnant bitches.
  • Worms or vermes: there is a great variety of species of parasitic worms, for example the best known are the worms. They are easily infected by inhaling or ingesting their eggs, which can be in the feces and urine of infested animals or on land, plants and other infested surfaces. We will realize that the dog suffers when his abdomen is very swollen and in his feces, which tend to be more frequent, worms are seen.
  • Tapeworms: are flat worms that parasitize the intestine, staying anchored and feeding on what the dog ingests. One of the first symptoms is weight loss even if the dog eats. In addition, whitish pieces appear in the stool. It is spread by feces, urine or food infected with eggs.

External parasites in dogs

  • Ticks and fleas: very common in dogs that are in the field, but also possible in those who live in cities. There are a great variety of species and apart from the discomfort they produce, they transmit a great variety of diseases. Learn how to prevent fleas and ticks in this other article from.
  • Scabies: a disease caused by mites of different species that act on the skin of the animal, digging tunnels in which they feed and reproduce. Scabies causes great itching, stinging and even pain to the animal, so it constantly scratches, loses hair and makes wounds on the skin and even scabs. It can be easily treated with medication and proper care, but if left it can lead the dog to death, as they stop eating and organs fail.
  • Leishmaniosis: we mention it in the external parasites although it acts internally because it is transmitted by mosquitoes and it is at this point that we must act to prevent it, avoiding mosquitoes by applying antiparasitics such as necklaces, pipettes or specific powders according to the weight of the dog. There is treatment that can leave the latent disease, that is, it is not cured at all, the parasite stays in the organism but stops acting and moving forward. It can be achieved that the dog has a totally normal life. Its main symptoms are thinning, anemia, fever, lack of hair and excessive nail growth in advanced stages.
  • Canine Dirofilaoriosis: the worm Dirofilaria immitis lodges in the hearts of dogs and can reach the lungs, which is why it is known as a heartworm. Although it is a worm that lives inside, we mention it here because it is only transmitted by a mosquito and, therefore, the prevention is totally external (pipettes or collars). There is an increase in heart rate due to overexertion of the organ, fatigue, respiratory distress, oral and nasal hemorrhages, lack of appetite, weight loss, apathy and even fainting. It can only be treated if it is detected early, because it advances very fast and sometimes it can not be treated, leading to death due to cardiac arrest.

Other diseases and conditions common in dogs

Although the aforementioned are many, there are more frequent health problems that affect the dogs. For example, these are other conditions and diseases that dogs usually suffer.

  • Tartar
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach flu
  • Colds
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Skin allergies
  • Dermatitis
  • Otitis
  • Stomach or gastric torsion
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer of various types

When to take my dog ​​to the vet

Since we recommend that you take your dog to the veterinarian in the following cases:

  • Reviews or periodic physical exams.
  • To meet the immunization schedule (at least mandatory in each country or region).
  • Whenever there is an emergency such as an accident, poisoning, etc.
  • When there are changes in your physical appearance.
  • If you have behavioral changes.
  • Whenever you have doubts about something, talk to your trusted veterinarian.