Is the Sun or the Moon bigger?

From the beginnings of humanity to our days, since we are born until we are older, raise your eyes to heaven and contemplate the stars fascinates and attracts us. We never get used to seeing a starry sky or the magic of an eclipse. This happens because we do not really understand the functioning of everything that happens up there and there are many things that we do not know.

However, in the last 100 years we have advanced a lot in the research and knowledge of the stars and space, we have even traveled to the Moon! In these explorations we have been able to solve many of the questions that have always been around us, questions such as For example , is the Sun or the Moon larger?, in .com we answer it.

What is the size of the Moon?

The Moon has a diameter of 3, 476 km, more or less the distance between England and Syria, this means that it is about 4 times smaller than Earth, the planet of which is the satellite. However, comparing the Moon with other satellites of the solar system such as Ganymede, corresponding to Jupiter, is small in size .

The Moon is 386, 000 km from the Earth, which causes us to see it so large, because at spatial levels it is a close distance. The distance is what causes us to see more or less large a star and affects much more than its true size. Regarding the measurements of the Moon, a curious fact happens, which is that it starts looking very large, however, as it goes up, it dwarfs. What really happens is an optical effect whereby when it is low we can compare it with known points, whereas when it is high we do not have references and it seems small.

What is the size of the Sun?

The stars are the only celestial bodies that are capable of emitting light, the Sun, being the closest to the Earth, is the main source of light and energy of our planet.

The diameter of the Sun is 1.39 million kilometers, therefore we can already answer the question: the Sun is bigger than the Moon, in fact it is about 400 times bigger than the Moon and 109 times bigger than the Moon. Land. The dimensions of the Sun are so large that it contains 99.8% of all the matter in the solar system, causing it to exert such a large gravitational pull on all the planets that it makes them turn around it.

According to science the Sun is in the fullness of its development, all stars have life cycles from their formation until they go out and the Sun is in the middle of its life. The star king was formed 4, 650 million years ago and will still burn for another 5 billion years before becoming a red giant. The red giants are the stars that have already fused all the hydrogen in their nucleus and begin to grow large and devour the planets around them before they go out. It is almost certain that it will do so with Venus, Mercury and the Earth before reaching its greatest intensity and size, about 260 times greater than it is now.

Why do they seem the same size?

When we travel by plane or we are on the roof of a tall building and look down, people who walk down the street seem tiny, something similar happens when we compare the size of the Moon and the Sun from Earth. Our satellite is 386, 000 kilometers away from us, which means that in 3 days of space travel we can plant on its surface, however the Sun is at an average distance of 150 million kilometers, 389 times more than the Moon .

Thus, the perception that the Moon is as or greater than the Sun is totally illusory, an optical effect caused by the distance from Earth to the other. As we get farther we see it smaller, however, if they were side by side we could contemplate how extremely great the Sun is.