7 signs that my dog ​​is happy

You love your pet, that's why it's logical that you worry about their welfare and to offer only the best. And although dogs are animals that live constantly in the present and do not feel the same worries as us, it is true that they can also suffer from anxiety, stress and even depression, so it is normal that many times as owners we ask ourselves if our dog is happy. See your animated can, move your tail, play and have a good time, but despite this you question about whether you feel comfortable, in that case you have reached the right place. Keep reading, because in this article we reveal the 7 signs that your dog is happy .

Always willing to play or walk with you

The desire for physical activity is one of the signs that your dog is happier clearer. If your pet is always willing to play with you, to move its tail, to encourage any pursuit or affection, then it means that your mood is unbeatable.

It is also important that your animal has the will and desire to go for a walk, to have fun outside which is where most of the interesting things happen for your pet.

He does not lose his appetite for anything in the world

In this aspect the animals are very similar to us: having an appetite is undoubtedly a sign of health and well-being, so if your pet eats the portions that you serve without qualms and in an animated way it is very clear: he is happy and feels taste

There are many reasons why your dog stops eating, since he feels bored of the feed, going through the fact that he has tried another food and likes it more, even health problems and moods. If this is the case, it is best to take it to a veterinarian.

Sleep adequate time

A healthy dog can sleep up to 16 hours a day depending on the breed, although the puppies can reach 20 hours resting. Your pet rests most of the time at night, around 10 hours, but you can also take some naps during the day, the truth is that when you are out there your dog will also be active and willing to play, go out, walk or whatever is.

If your animal spends much of the day sleeping, lying down and looking sad, then something happens to him and it is important to consult him with a specialist. In our article how much a dog should sleep we will clarify the estimated time according to the size of your pet.

He shows you his belly so you can give him love

When a dog shows us its belly so that we caress it, it tells us many things: that it trusts us, that it likes our affection and above all that it is willing to receive affection and attention. This is one of the signs that your dog is happy because it shows vulnerability and absolute confidence in you.

He likes to be close to his owners

A happy dog loves the company of those he considers as his family, enjoys being close to his owners and sharing every moment in the home. It is a pet that is part of our life completely, that sits next to us or that receives us when we get home.

If your dog is always ready for a family moment, there is no doubt that he feels at home.

It's curious

Curiosity is part of the character of animals and, as with humans, shows a clear interest in the world around them . A happy and lively dog ​​will always be willing to check that box that has appeared in the dining room, to sniff that bag of food that has arrived home and to inspect any situation or person that is new and special.

The apathy in dogs can be a sign of depression or illness, which serves as an alert to know that the dog is not well.

Your whole body indicates that you feel comfortable with you

If you are looking for more signs that your dog is happy, simply observe it: a happy dog ​​moves its tail when it plays or goes out, it lets itself be caressed, it approaches us to receive our attention and love, it has bright eyes, attentive look, a body posture always Ready for the activity and desires to explore everything and have fun.

His body, his gaze and the way in which he relates to us indicate, without a doubt, that the animal is comfortable and happy .

And ... How do I know if my dog ​​is unhappy?

Just as there are signs that indicate your pet is happy, there are others that show that your dog is unhappy, is sick, stressed, afraid or is not well psychically. Some of the signs that your dog is not happy are:

  • Apathy, the animal does not want to play and spends much of the day sleeping.
  • Little appetite
  • Lack of curiosity or interest
  • Destructive behavior, reveals that the animal suffers from anxiety.
  • Sad and dull eyes.
  • Bodily posture low-slung, the tail is not up or moving but many times between the legs.

If you have detected any of these behaviors, it is time to find out what happens. You may not be giving your pet the attention it needs by offering good walks or sufficient moments of play, perhaps its feeding is inadequate or the animal suffers from stress or depression. In addition, physical problems and diseases should be ruled out, so it is best to go to a veterinarian .