How to overcome the death of a pet

No matter the age, assuming the loss of a pet is one of the most difficult experiences for anyone to pass, but when it comes to children the difficulties increase, because sometimes their relationship with death can be distant. If in your family they are going through this situation, in .com we want to help you by offering you some tips so that you can overcome the death of a pet

Steps to follow:


It is necessary to know that the duel has a specific time in each person, and depending on the time you have lived with your pet and your links can take more or less to overcome, in any case there is no hurry or any rule in this regard


If it is a child's pet, it is necessary to explain what happened, to make him understand that just as people, animals have a life cycle, and that it was our turn. Things like going to a better place and now being calm and happy, even if they seem common, could help make you feel better


It is important to let your feelings arise and not fall into denial, bereavement should be lived as such, do not be afraid to do it because it is your animal. If you feel the need to leave the city, travel or be distracted, do it without hesitation


When it comes to children it is important that they understand certain things that death is part of life, that neither they nor anyone else is guilty of the matter, that anger is not necessary and that the sadness that now feels will also pass away and be replaced. for the love and the memory of the good times they lived together


Those who have lived with your pet for years sometimes need to do a farewell ritual, this is highly recommended, do not be afraid to honor your pet in the way you consider necessary


Both in your case and in that of a child it is important to keep distracted so as not to allow sadness and depression to invade us. While nostalgia has its time, it is necessary to strive to overcome it


It is not advisable to immediately replace the pet, as part of the grieving process is to assume that the animal is no longer there. In many cases people decide not to have another pet, in other cases they welcome a new partner over time, everything will depend on the personality and feeling of each person


If you feel too affected by the disappearance of your pet, or a member of your family has been very touched, do not hesitate to go to a specialist who can help them channel their feelings and overcome the loss