How to take a cat's temperature

Detect quickly when our animal is sick is key to ensure their welfare and provide timely medical care. Fever is a condition that can occur in cats when they have infections, parasites, inflammation or when their immune system is weakened by any cause. Apart from some symptoms that the cat may have, the safest way to determine if the animal has a fever is to take the cat's temperature . If you wonder how to do it in this .com article we explain it to you.

Steps to follow:


The normal temperature of a cat oscillates between 38 ºC and 39 ºC . However in the case of puppies, animals in heat and also after the feline has exercised, it can increase slightly reaching even 39.5 ° C.

The causes of fever in cats are very varied, so it is important that once we determine that the cat has a high temperature, we will immediately take it to the veterinarian . Do not try to medicate on your own, go to a specialist.


To take the temperature of a cat you can use a digital thermometer like the one used in the case of humans, however it is very important that it is the exclusive use of your cat and that it is kept apart from the thermometers of other animals and of course those who use who live in your home.

It is recommended the use of a digital thermometer to provide the result in a much faster way than the conventional one.


To take the temperature of the cat you will have to introduce the thermometer in its rectal area, in this way you will get the most reliable result. As you can imagine, this procedure may not be pleasant for the cat, which is why it will resist. So it is best to start by gently wrapping the animal with a towel, especially separating its legs from you, in this way you will avoid scratching it by nerves.


Lay the cat on its bed or any other soft surface on which you can manipulate it. Be especially affectionate and make him feel comforted so he can take his temperature more easily. If you are accompanied by someone who can help you and be trusted by the animal, it will be much simpler to do it successfully.


To get the thermometer easily in the rectal area of ​​the cat, it is best to use a little Vaseline, smearing the end of the thermometer with this product. Then holding the cat firmly to escape it, remove the animal's tail and insert the thermometer in the rectum, it is not necessary to put it too much, with an inch and a half will suffice.


Leave the thermometer until it indicates with a beep that has taken the temperature. During the process it is best to caress your cat and comfort him, when you finish you can give him a cookie to compensate for the bad time.

If the temperature of the animal is high, it is best to consult a veterinarian .


In addition we give you some recommendations so that taking the temperature of the cat is much easier:

  • Always do it before feeding the cat, since digestion can increase the temperature. It is also recommended to do it when the animal has been at rest.
  • Always use petroleum jelly, this way the thermometer will slide better.
  • The temperature measurement should be done every 6 or 8 hours.
  • After finishing the thermometer clean with a cotton soaked in alcohol before storing it again.