What Windows Phone icons mean

Surely many times you have seen a series of icons appear on the top of your Windows Phone smartphone . Many of them are very clear what they mean (battery, time, etc.), but there are many others that confuse you. What is that triangle? And those diagonal stripes that also appear sometimes? The icons at the top of your Windows Phone are a status bar that communicates some very important information about how you are and how you have configured your phone. In .com we explain what the Windows Phone icons mean.

Intensity of coverage

Starting from the left, the first icon that shows five vertical bars, from lowest to highest, tells you what the coverage intensity of your Windows Phone 8 is at that moment. The more bars in black and less in gray, the more coverage. If you do not have coverage, in that corner a forbidden signal will appear, an airplane when you are in airplane mode, the shape of the SIM card with a forbidden signal when the SIM is not inserted, and a SIM with a padlock when the SIM is blocked up.

Data connection

Next, you will see a letter or a number (or both). This second icon is the type of data connection of the mobile telephony network that you access at that moment. What do they mean? The next:

  • G = GPRS
  • E = EDGE
  • 3G = UMTS
  • 4G = 4G
  • LTE = LTEH + = HSPA + / DC-
  • 1X = RTT
  • DO = EVDO
  • DV = EVDV

Call forwarding

In the third position, an icon of a telephone with an arrow may appear. It means that you have activated the call forwarding.


The next icon is a triangle. When you see it, it means that your phone is in roaming mode and outside your own mobile network.

WiFi connection

The next position, already the fifth one, shows the wifi connections icon. If it is black, it means that you are connected to a Wi-Fi network. If it is gray, you have the wifi function activated, but you are not connected to any network. If a small post with curved lines appears on the sides, it means that you are sharing your data connection with other devices via wifi.


The sixth position shows the Bluetooth icon. If you are connected to a Bluetooth device, it will appear in black; if you have activated it, but you are not connected to any device, the icon will appear in gray.


The seventh position shows you if you have any special option activated for the tone of your phone: three lines in soft diagonal zigzag if you have the tone in vibration, and a crossed out bell if you have it in silence.


The icon of the eighth position is a black circle on a white one. Appears when there is an app is accessing information about the current location of the smartphone.


This icon usually does not present doubts: the one of the state of the battery . It shows you if it is full, medium, low or you do not have, if you are charging the phone (a plug appears on the battery) or if you have the battery saving mode activated (a heart appears on the battery).


At the end, in the corner on the right, the current time appears .