How to help a child overcome the death of his pet

The death of a pet can be a traumatic moment for our son. It is usually the first contact with death, and therefore we have to be gentle when dealing with this doldrums. For this reason, it is good to know how to help a child overcome the death of his pet .

Steps to follow:


The most important thing is the child's age; and that is that they will not face the same loss with 3 or 5 years as with 12. The smaller the less they will understand what happened. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt the speech for the age, trying to soften things a bit or sweetening the end of the animal but without lying at any time, because the child must know that his pet will not return.


If the child is older, we have to try to answer all the questions they ask us without any hesitation. It is a good time to introduce the child into the cycle of life, so that he can understand that life and death are irremediably linked.


In moments of nostalgia, it is good to remember the pet. Let's try to talk about the beautiful moments lived with her. It is not bad to remember a loved one.


Evidently every child is a world. In addition, each individual needs a certain time to spend mourning the death of a pet . If our children are angry or even jealous of other children's pets, we must act at all times with understanding.


Performing a symbolic burial can be a good option for the child to understand that his friend will not return and is in a better place.


In cases in which the animal is facing an illness, we must prepare the children for the end of it. So, you can say goodbye to them. In addition, if we practice euthanasia in the animal, it is better that the child stays on the sidelines, because normally it is a subject that will confuse them even more.


Finally, do not replace the pet immediately. It would be better if a time passes so that we are all prepared.