Diseases that transmit ticks to dogs

Ticks are not simple parasites that cause discomfort in our pet, on the contrary these arachnids can become an important source of contagion of various diseases that affect the dog, some of them with a very serious prognosis.

Any dog ​​that leaves the house to walk and play is exposed to its contagion, especially those who visit parks, fields and forests, areas in which these parasites most inhabit. Checking our animal's fur frequently and applying veterinary products for its prevention is the best weapon to avoid conditions that compromise the welfare of your pet. But if you are not yet aware of the damage that the bite of these arachnids can cause, in .com we explain the diseases that transmit ticks to dogs and the best way to prevent them.

Why are ticks so dangerous?

Ticks are a type of arachnid that feeds on the blood of its host, and can live in your body for a long time without us noticing. Its color, which can be gray, brown or black, makes it perfectly camouflaged in the coat of dogs and cats, making it difficult to locate them if we do not have the habit of checking the animal.

They are dangerous for our pet because in their interior they can survive various bacteria and germs that happen to our dog at the moment they subtract their blood, they cause different diseases, some of them very dangerous. The veterinarians indicate that once the dog contracts ticks they can begin to transmit their bacteria between 5 and 24 hours later, so their rapid and timely elimination is very important.

If you find a tick in your dog, it is essential to remove it in an appropriate way by also removing its head, which is usually placed inside the skin of the animal to suck the blood. If we do not do this the area will eventually become infected and cause great discomfort in your pet. In our video how to remove a tick we show you in detail the proper way to do it.

Most common diseases transmitted by ticks

Lyme's desease

This condition, which can appear in both dogs and humans, is also known as canine borreliosis. It is transmitted by the infected sting of the black-legged ticks and if it is treated in time it does not represent a danger for the dog, however if the disease progresses without treatment it can end up affecting the joints, the kidneys, the heart and the nervous system of the pet, compromising in shape will be your health.

In our article how to know if my dog ​​has Lyme disease we explain in detail the symptoms and treatment of this condition.


The saliva of ticks of the type Ixodes, Dermacentor and Rhipicephalus has neurotoxins that can affect the nervous system of the dog, blocking neuromuscular transmission, which produces paralysis of different areas of the animal's body causing, in the worst case, death. The symptoms are observed between 4 and 6 after the bite, the animal will stop feeling the limbs and will have problems of coordination and lameness, if the paralysis affects the thorax will begin respiratory and cardiovascular problems that can lead to the total collapse of the dog.

Erliquia or ehrlichiosis

Also known as canine ehrlichiosis, it is transmitted by the bite of the tick Rickettias. This disease develops inside the white blood cells of the dog, reducing their platelets and can lead to important problems such as bleeding, anemia, meningitis, inflammation of the joints or lameness. It has three phases and its percentage of recovery will depend on the stage in which the animal is found.

In our article how to know if my dog ​​has erliquia we explain in detail everything you should know about this condition.


Transmitted by the Ixodes, Dermacentor and Rhipicephalus ticks during the warmer months of the year, this condition has two phases. The acute is presented after 21 days of the bite, the animal will have high fever, inappetence, vomiting, diarrhea and breathing problems, if not treated at this stage the condition will become chronic and then the animal may present damage to the spleen, the liver and even death by shock.


Transmitted by the tick Rhipicephalus, it usually affects dogs with nutritional problems, poor hygiene and a weakened immune system. As Babesiosis is transmitted with higher incidence in the warmer months of the year.

This condition occurs when the dog swallows infected ticks, affecting the digestive system of the animal along with the liver and lymph nodes. There are usually no symptoms, but when they do, they are characterized by fever, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, weight loss and paralysis.

Prevent diseases that transmit ticks to dogs

It is clear that the bite of a tick is more dangerous than we usually think, that is why it is so important to take measures for its correct prevention. In we recommend:

  • Use products to prevent ticks that are recommended by your veterinarian, this is essential if your animal goes to the field, to the forest, to parks or to natural spaces of any kind.
  • Whenever you take walks with your dog in these areas you should check your coat as soon as you get home. If you detect a tick, remove it immediately and monitor the health status of your pet during the following weeks.
  • If your dog has any symptoms that call your attention such as fever, lameness, lack of appetite, diarrhea or intense vomiting, then do not wait and take it to the veterinarian . If there is a possibility that you have been in contact with ticks, inform the professional.