How to eliminate fleas in newborn puppies

Newborn dogs need a lot of care, in addition to being with their mother constantly. One of the most difficult aspects to maintain is deworming, especially if we live in the field or if the dog that was a mother has been collected shortly before giving birth and was parasitized. Smaller puppies are usually an easy and perfect target for fleas because they provide a lot of heat, moisture and nourishment to them. In addition, it is also the most complicated age to treat this problem in dogs and, for this reason, many people wonder how to eliminate fleas in newborn puppies since it is something delicate. For this reason, in this article we are going to tell you all the steps to follow and some very useful tips and tricks.

Flea symptoms in newborn puppies

Fleas are small insects that parasitize animals, because they feed on their blood, and produce discomfort in the host and can even transmit diseases. In addition, they are parasites that can have both dogs and cats and humans, and many more animals, so we can transmit them to each other.

If you have a litter of small dogs at home and suspect that they may be infested with fleas, you should know the symptoms well to ensure and act as soon as possible. These small parasites are not always easy to detect, but the most common flea symptoms in newborn puppies are the following:

  • Compulsive scratching: being very small still can not scratch themselves well, so we may see how they rub against the mother, her siblings and the bed they are in, in addition to observing more symptoms.
  • See the fleas: if you pay attention to the fur of your puppies, surely sooner or later you will see these insects running between the hairs or jumping. You will see small black or brown spots that move very fast or jump. You should inspect the areas where they usually are (belly, neck, genitals and armpits).
  • Flea faeces: if you wet the puppy's fur a little you will see small immobile black spots that, on contact with the water, turn a reddish color.

Why anti-flea products do not work for newborn puppies

Sure you immediately think of special products to eliminate fleas in dogs, but you should know that these are not suitable for newborn dogs . There are products for adult dogs and for puppies, but even those that are for little ones are too strong for dogs less than 3 months old. Therefore, never use drugs, shampoos, pipettes or antiparasitic collars in puppies less than 3 months.

Anyway, even if our little furry has already 3 months we have to make sure that in the package insert or the product specifies that this particular is suitable for that age of the dog, because the puppies are very sensitive to poisoning and overdose for this type of products.

These products are too powerful because the newborns and puppies of a few months still do not have fully developed organs and, therefore, can not so easily eliminate waste and toxins, in addition to the usual dose of a product of this type would be high for such small dogs.

Here are some tricks on how to eliminate fleas in newborn dogs or less than three months old.

How to eliminate fleas in newborn dogs

Since conventional products can not be used to deworm dogs externally, you may be wondering, "How to get rid of my dog's fleas fast ?" or " how to remove fleas from a very small dog ?" The answer is that in order to do it right, you must follow the following steps to eliminate fleas in newborn puppies and those less than 3 months old:

  1. Warm water bath: the warm water will help you to wash your little furry well and the fleas come out of his fur. Water can never be cold or hot, because newborns are especially sensitive to temperature.
  2. Shampoo for puppies: soaps your dog well with gentle massage and prevents foam from reaching your ears and eyes, it is better to avoid using shampoo for puppies on the head. Rinse well with plenty of warm water, preventing it from touching the head.
  3. Special comb for fleas: there are combs with special fine barbs to eliminate fleas and lice as well as their eggs. Pass the flea comb over the entire body of the puppy loosely, as you can damage your skin. Be careful with the facial area.
  4. Get rid of the fleas: as you get them out you will have to eliminate the fleas completely, and also their eggs, but in a short time they will be in the fur of the same dog or another one of the litter, or even in you or your clothes.
  5. Dry the puppy: when you finish deworming the child you will have to dry it well with towels and you will have to repeat this process with each puppy of the litter if there are several. It is vital that they do not get wet because their health is delicate and they could catch a cold.

How to eliminate fleas from the mother of puppies

Likewise, it is vital to deworm the mother of the puppies and the rest of the dogs that live in the house. In this way you will make sure to eliminate these parasites well and prevent their reappearance. To eliminate fleas from the newly born bitch and other dogs older than 3 months in the house if it is recommended to use anti-flea products, whether pipettes, collars, shampoos or medications. However, in the case of the bitch who has been a mother and who is now nursing to feed newborns, you should always use specific flea products for pregnant and lactating bitches if there are any in your country, never the generic ones for adult dogs. In the case that there is not in the area where you live, since usually there are few times that do not have much risk for the dog and newborns, we recommend that you check this other article on How to remove fleas from a bitch pregnant, as it is done in the same way as an infant.

Eliminate fleas at home

Once we get rid of fleas from newborn dogs and from the mother it is vital that we also get rid of the fleas in their environment. It is necessary to kill all the fleas and their eggs from the environment to avoid re-infecting the dogs and us. So, for this, you will have to use specific products to eliminate fleas at home and, before applying these products, you will have to change the mother and the puppies to avoid getting intoxicated with them.

You will have to disinfect everything that could have been exposed to these insects, from the dog bed to the brushes, the strap, the sofa or the clothes.

After the time of necessary effect that indicates the container of the products that you use, after having ventilated the entire area very well and to make sure that no fleas or eggs remain, the dogs will be able to enter this part of the house again.

Home remedies for fleas in newborn puppies

In addition to following the steps discussed above, if the infestation is very large you can strengthen the treatment with some home remedies to eliminate fleas in newborn dogs :

  • Apple cider vinegar: if you have ever heard that you can remove fleas from a dog with apple cider vinegar you should know that it is effective but that you have to know how to use it in newborn puppies. It should be diluted enough, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar for a glass of large water, moisten a cloth and gently rub the little one on the whole body except in the face.
  • Citrus fruits: make an infusion with some slices of citrus or use your juice to gently rub the puppy, with gentle massage and without using it on his head to prevent it from entering the eyes.
  • Chamomile: an infusion of chamomile should be made, let it cool down and when it is at room temperature wet a cloth to gently massage the child all over the body without soaking it and let it dry alone.
  • Oils: a few drops of essence of rosemary, thyme or lavender mixed with enough olive oil are good to chase and eliminate these parasites. But you should use very little and place it on points of the body that the puppy does not reach easily lick, such as the nape or cross.

It is vital that the treatment with these home remedies be supervised by a veterinarian and indicate if one is suitable for your puppies or if it is preferable not to use them. The reason is that some such as apple cider vinegar and citrus are very strong and depending on the age, the state of health of the children and the doses can make their smell change so much that the mother does not recognize them and does not want to feed them. In addition, we must think that some of these odors are unbearable for fleas but also for dogs, being able to disturb both the small and the mother.