How to get through the first days at university

September begins and with it the universities are filled with young students who leave behind the secondary stage. The first days in the university can be traumatic for many: new classmates, new professors, immense buildings where it is impossible to find classes, long queues in secretarial work, and a long list of etceteras. Therefore, to make it easier, from .com we give you some tips so you know how to get through the first days of college .

Steps to follow:


First, get ready . The first days of university have the schedules at hand so you do not get distracted. In those days you will have to inform yourself well of the classes you will attend, both the hours, classroom in which they are taught or even if you are well enrolled. In the case of having an error in your registration, go to the secretariat or address of your faculty, where you can solve everything.


Do not be nervous. Everyone is new and you will be one more in class. Take advantage of the days of welcome of new students that will organize your faculty to know the university and your new colleagues. Try to be natural and talk to everyone, so it will be easier to find that people fit better with you.


During the first days at the university, try to be punctual . It seems unimportant, because you will be many in class, but the teachers remember the one who is always late and not the one who normally attends class. Also, it is always good to make a good first impression.


During the first weeks class dinners will be organized to get to know each other. Try to attend, because this way you will know your new companions better, which will be a fundamental pillar during the hard moments of the race. Connecting with the rest of the students is important, since it will make the weather in class more comfortable and that you will study with more enthusiasm.


Do not be discouraged if the first days it seems that everyone knows much more than you do in class. You have arrived there by the same means as them, you have passed the same tests with a similar note in the past. Why would that have to change now? Remember that he does not know more who seems to know, but the one who shows it in the exams.


Finally, if you have found interesting advice on how to overcome the first days in college successfully or think there is something to add do not hesitate to give us your opinion.