I can take my dog ​​by bus

Those of us who have pets know the importance of being able to travel with them so they do not leave them alone at home or abandon them. One of the ways that we are sure to consider if we want to travel by public transport is the bus. The bus is a type of transport that allows us to make long journeys in a comfortable way. In this article we explain how to travel with a dog on a bus and what things you should consider.

Steps to follow:


The law prohibits the transport in the passenger compartment of any animal except guide dogs, therefore dogs that are not guides can not go on a bus.


The dogs or cats will travel in the cellars, inside cages or special baskets provided by the traveler that must be adapted for this use, being totally forbidden to transport them out of said cages or baskets.


In general, the transfer of these animals is carried out under the entire responsibility of their owners, who will necessarily travel in the same service as the animal.


The traveler must go to the bus, accompanied by the animal, with an advance of 15 minutes, personally introducing the animal in the cage, placing it on the bus, according to the driver's instructions. The animal will be in good physical condition, hygienic and psychic for the transfer, not being obligatory, although if advisable, the use of the muzzle in case of dogs.


The disembarkation of the dog will also be carried out by its owner, ensuring that there are no people in the vicinity in order to avoid uncomfortable or dangerous circumstances that could affect the rest of the passengers.


If you want to participate in the raffle of a trip, do not hesitate to participate in this raffle.

  • We recommend that you take the dog well fed on the bus.