How the pipette for cats is applied

Protect your cat from fleas and other parasites! It is important to keep the hygiene and health of our animal at bay, therefore, you must follow a series of guidelines marked by a veterinarian among which will surely include the application of an antiparasitic method that will prevent the spread of fleas, ticks and other frequent infections in cats. Pipettes are usually used in the usual way because, with just one application, it manages to keep the animal protected for a long time, so, let's tell you how to apply the cat pipette so you can do it yourself at home with total safety that your best friend is going to be completely protected.

Steps to follow:


Within all the options that currently exist for deworming a cat, the application of pipettes is one of the most used due to its effectiveness but also to the comfort at the time of use. They are small plastic ampoules that contain liquid in their interior and that must be placed in a part of the body, on the dorsal line, and the active properties of this product will extend by all the parts of the animal obtaining, thus, an absolute protection.

Before buying a pipette, we recommend that you consult with the veterinarian to indicate which is the most recommended for the animal as well as the frequency of application. When you have it you will see that it is ready for use, you will only have to open the small bottle and apply it to the cat.


A clear recommendation to apply pipettes to the cat and its effectiveness is what you are looking for is that you do it on dry fur and, at least, they must spend 48 hours to bathe the animal, otherwise you can reduce its effect and make the pipette lose its effectiveness leaving the animal unprotected.

It is also recommended that the last bath of the cat has also been done, at least, 48 hours since his skin is much more sensitive than usual and can get to suffer rashes or irritations. So for greater security, 48 hours of the bath should elapse and allow another 48 hours to take another bath after putting the pipette. This way you can be sure that your pet is perfectly protected against parasites and infections.


The first thing you should know, is that you will only need a part of your skin to take the contents of the ampoule and the product will be distributed throughout the rest of the body during the minutes and hours afterwards. You should know that in the market there are different pipettes with a different concentration and volume, so it is essential that you ask your veterinarian to help you choose the product that best suits the needs of your animal.


We started to apply the cat pipette. The first thing you have to do is look for an area of ​​your house where the animal feels comfortable and relaxed; We recommend that you are in an easy to clean surface because, it is possible, that a drop of this product is spilled on the floor and, therefore, can get dirty. Once the place has been chosen, we will have to hold firmly to our cat so that it stays still during the minute that the application of the product will last.


When you have controlled the animal, it is time to open the bottle or bag containing the antiparasitic product. We recommend that you hold the pipette in a vertical position with one hand so that it does not spill and, with the other, break the tip to open it without falling and being wasted on the floor.


We have already told you that you will only have to apply it on one part of the body and one of the most recommended is behind the head, which would correspond to the nape of the animal . Set aside the fur a little until you see its skin and, then, place the tip of the bottle in that area; Squeeze gently to pour the contents on the animal holding it with the other hand to prevent it from moving or frighten when it comes into contact with the liquid.


When you have emptied all the contents you can release your cat and go to wash your hands with soap and water to disinfect. You have to be careful during the following minutes of not touching that part of the body of the cat because you could reduce effectiveness, besides being a toxic product for you; In case you touch it, wash your hands immediately.


Now you know how to apply the pipette in cats but we want to give you other tips that will help you to prevent the parasites and get the animal to live satisfactorily. Here we discover them:

  • Regularly clean the sandbox so that it is free of infections or bacteria that can affect the feline's health. In we tell you how to clean a cat's sandbox so you know both the frequency and the most recommended products to do it.
  • Wash the bedding : the cats are up everywhere and, also, to our beds so it is recommended that you wash the sheets every week to avoid the proliferation of parasites that can affect both the animal and yourself.
  • Clean the house : maintaining a proper domestic hygiene is also essential to ensure a home free of bacteria and perfect for the coexistence of animals and people.
  • Desparasita to all animals : if you live with other cats or animals should follow the deworming guidelines stipulated by the veterinarian to avoid infection between them.