How to know if my dog ​​has separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a relatively common problem in dogs. It may be caused or favored by various factors but the excessive attachment of the animal to its owner and the lack of habit to be alone are usually involved.

But could you recognize it? In .com we explain how to know if a dog has separation anxiety .

Before leaving

Normally, we leave home at the same times and follow a similar routine: put on our jacket, take our keys, purse or backpack, etc.

The dog detects and learns these signals, and, in cases of separation anxiety, it can detect a clear anguish and restlessness of the animal in the moments prior to the departure of its owner.

House shredding and improper disposal

In separation anxiety, it is characteristic that, while the owners are not at home, the animal destroys objects or furniture.

Excessive vocalizations, barking and whining are also common. Many times inadequate eliminations are also produced, that is, that the animal urinates or defecates at home, in places that are not allowed.

It should be noted that, in animals, the punishment must be immediate to be effective, that is, when we caught him in the act doing what we want to correct.

For this reason it is useless to reprimand him when we get home because of the damage that may have caused or for having done his needs where it does not proceed, since the animal will not relate that wake-up call to something done a while ago.

The reception

When the owners arrive at home, the reception is usually exaggerated, extremely affectionate, and, sometimes, the dog can get to micturition by emotion.

The hyperagogue

Hyperagogue is often common in cases of separation anxiety, as excessive dependence on the owner may favor the problem.

The hyperapego is common in dogs used to walk in the arms of their owners or after a long illness of the animal, having been filled with love and attention by their owners. Dogs with hyperaepee usually follow their owner everywhere and do not take their eyes off him.