How to clean my cat's legs

Cats are pets that they tend to groom themselves and to clean themselves so they use their own tongue with which they lick the areas of their body until they are clean. However, on some occasions, the cat may need additional cleaning either because it has not been able to remove the dirt itself or because you have noticed that it has escaped or has gone out into the garden and you do not want it to stain your house.

These are situations in which surely, regardless of what caused it to get dirty, you may have wondered how to clean the legs of my cat? Since we are going to give you the keys so you know how to do this cleaning and the kitten is totally clean. Because this cleaning is much more important than, in principle, is thought.

Reassure the cat to clean it

Before proceeding to clean the cat, it is safest to reassure it because it is not an animal that is used to being provided with this type of care. In addition, they are usually much more restless than other pets.

In this way, reassuring him and getting him to be a little still is going to be the most difficult thing. How to achieve it? The key is to have a lot of patience with the cat and to try to notice that it is something pleasant or a relaxing activity. For this, you can start by giving a gentle massage by the legs so that you know the movement that will take place when you clean it.

Bathe the cat to clean the legs

One of the most frequent mistakes when trying to clean a cat is to think that you can not bathe. Quite the opposite. This pet can bathe like dogs and other animals . Of course, in a specific way. Depending on whether or not it is very dirty, it may not be necessary to bathe it and you only have to clean the legs.

How to bathe a cat - Step by step

  1. For this, for example, you need a specific soap for cats, which you will have to apply on the legs to clean them well. In the wash, you also have to inspect well fingers, nails and pads so that there is no residue of dirt or soap, as well as in the hair, especially when they have it long. But this cleaning should be gentle so as not to cause any injury. Also, this is the time, especially if you have gone out of the house, to check that you do not have cuts that can be infected. If there were, you have to cure them.
  2. It is also important to rinse and thoroughly remove any soap residue with plenty of water so that no trace is left on any part of your legs. Otherwise, it could generate a health problem because, when licking again during his own hygiene session, he would pick up the remaining remains with his tongue. And this is not good, even if the soap is specific for cats.
  3. For cleaning, it is helpful to use damp cloths or wet towels such as those used for personal cleaning in order to attack more deeply the areas where it has accumulated more dirt. However, do not forget to rinse well with plenty of water because it could happen as with soap: licking with the tongue, will ingest the rest of the product of the wipe or cloth.

And what to do if the cat does not like that much of bathing or water? The solution will come from the hand of having to buy a dry shampoo, which should also be specific for cats. To clarify this, you will have to use towels or cloths that are not perfumed and that do not contain any other type of product.

In this other article we tell you how to bathe your cat at home.

How to dry the cat after cleaning its legs

Once the cat is clean, it will be necessary to dry it. The best way to do it is to take a dry towel and clean it to remove the water. If the weather is nice, you can finish drying in the sun, outdoors or indoors.

However, if the weather is bad or cold, it will be necessary to dry the cat completely. With a hair dryer, like a person's, you can finish the process, although it is better to use the specific dryers for pets . Anyway, do not put the air very hot and try to make it a pleasant temperature for you to enjoy and you can complete the drying of all the hair and claws.

These are tips from which we hope to have answered your question about how to clean my cat's legs so that it is clean and, consequently, free of bacteria or any virus or substance that could be ingested by having dirty legs and cause him some health problem. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that dirty legs are also a source of infections for people with whom the cat lives.