How to make a sliding guide ace

A sliding guide ace is a knot widely used in the world of sailing. It is basically used to recover objects that have fallen overboard or in rigging maneuvers. When a strong wind blows, it is usually used to shake the square sail and cock it. The sliding guide handle is a very sturdy and safe knot and as the rope is not tight, it can slide very easily and can be easily undone.

You will need to:
  • Cape
Steps to follow:


You must form a gauze near the end of the line.


Then you must turn around moving the top edge of the loop from right to left.


The whip, which is above and inserted through the gauze.


Then, following the same direction, you must pass the whip below the eye of the loop and insert it back into the loop.


Then you must press the gauze pulling the whip and the left side of the loop.


Finally you should check that the firm glides easily through the eye.