How plants expel water

All plants need water to live and grow. They get the water through their roots and up the stems. The plants also expel water by their leaves, they are drops so small that they can not be seen with the naked eye. If you want to have fun or learn about this phenomenon, perform the following experiment: how the plants expel water.

You will need to:
  • Plastic bag
  • Rope
  • A plant
Steps to follow:


Place a plastic bag on a small branch of leaves of a shrub or small tree in a sunny place. Leave it for two or three days. It has to stay the same as it appears in the image.


Then look at the bag every day and you will see drops of water inside. If the days are very hot, a lot of water will accumulate inside the bag.


Why it happens. The leaves of the plants have very small holes all over the surface. On hot days, water droplets evaporate from these holes. This is what accumulates inside the bag.