How to write a short story

In a story, the writer what he does is tell a chapter or anecdote that seems important and significant. One of the most current techniques used in literature is that of brevity. The short story has become a technique widely used by writers in which the stories do not stop being as exciting as in the long ones. In .com we explain how to write a short story.

Steps to follow:


First, think about the topic you want to write about, what you want to tell. Think about how you want it to develop, what it is you want to tell, and what will be the end that you will give to your story. Think well of the structure and if you can some of the details.


Plasma your idea on paper . Write everything you can think of, just as you thought. Do not be afraid to express yourself, to tell everything you want and express what you feel. It is a wonderful exercise that will help you personally and can also help other people.


Then read everything you have written, loudly better. This will help you to realize if your writing is fluent, if your sentences flow naturally or, on the contrary, they need a change and stop forcing.


To get a short story, as its name suggests, you must achieve brevity. For this you have to use as few words as possible . Find suitable words that contain the maximum information you want to give and this way you will save accumulating many unnecessary and repetitive.


Be very careful with the use of adjectives . It is not necessary to add too much, on the contrary, it is much better if you adjective little or just, what is necessary. Adjective is the most difficult thing to write and if it is not used correctly it can create confusing, heavy and loaded texts with redundant and unnecessary information.


It is not necessary that you explain everything in your story. When reading it aloud, you will realize that a lot of information is left over. Stay with the relevant, with the necessary, with what truly transmits information. Avoid the rest, it will not do more than weigh in your work and not contribute anything.


Brevity, conciseness, ideas connected by verbs that express movements, action, passage of time and new circumstances: these are the main characteristics of the short story. In this article we give you more tips so you know how to write a story regardless of the length of it, do not miss it!

  • Read many writings of the same genre, it will help you to write better.
  • Exuse many workshops and schools that teach to write this type of genre, they can help you.