How to overcome the loss of employment

The loss of employment has become quite common today. The demands of the market make preparation an indispensable condition for the world of work. People have become mere tools to achieve an end, production and capital accumulation. Faced with the loss of employment, people react in a different way, with indifference, with impotence, etc. However, frustration and anguish are two common traits found in all people who experience this situation. Next, we will introduce you, how to overcome the loss of employment.

Steps to follow:


Stages Like all grief, the loss of work, brings with it a series of feelings that we must face in order to overcome the situation. It is frequent, that we find ourselves frustrated before the situation, that we are invaded by anguish, and even that we deny what is happening. If you experience these feelings, it means that you are mourning. Take a few days to rest and to clear up. It is good that in these situations you try to maintain the tranquility and recover energy to be able, then, start renewed.


Assume and accept. The first step to overcome the unemployment situation is to begin to take on the situation. The faster you can accept what happened, the faster you can face it. Although it is normal that at the beginning, mixed feelings arise, after a prudential time, these should yield to make way for pro-activity.


Activities. It is important that at this stage of life, you start doing activities that generate you pleasure, such as playing sports, participating in a course, among others. In this way, we are also taking care of our mental health and we are renewing ourselves. It is important that you take care of yourself to be able to move forward.


Expose. Avoid isolation, talk to friends and family about what happens to you. They will support you in what you need and also give you another perspective of the situation. Evaluate your current situation, try to see the positive aspects over the negative ones. Allow your loved ones to accompany you in this process and try to keep a positive thought about the future.


Re-evaluate. This is the time to think about your work goals. Think about the things that you would like to do and what you can do to get them. Check your curriculum vitae, in case you want to find a new job or find out about how to create your own business, in case you want to be a freelance worker. In the latter case, try to contact people who have started their own business so they can guide you.


Patience. Finding a job or starting a new business is not something that is achieved from one day to the next. It is necessary that you have patience and that you remain calm and positive. While this is one of the most difficult aspects to achieve, you will soon see the favorable consequences. Try to manage anxiety in the best way possible, to avoid possible mistakes or mistakes.


Psychotherapy. On some occasions, recovering from the loss of a job is a difficult task. Unemployment can lead to depression, and another series of consequences that must be treated with caution. Therefore, for these cases, we recommend that you consult a professional to accompany this process.