How to make porridge for guinea pigs

The guinea pigs have a very careful diet because if they are given unfit food or a very unbalanced diet, they get sick easily. In this article we talk about what is your diet and how to make baby food for guinea pigs . First of all you should know that your diet consists of three parts: vegetables, fruit, feed and hay. Making baby food is very advisable when you are sick and stop eating on your own, for example if you have ever observed and thought " my guinea pig does not eat and does not move ". In this case, it is necessary that you help him with a syringe to give him the pap in his mouth, making the nutrients reach his body, and as he is better, he will begin to eat the porridge alone. She thinks that if she does not eat the necessary food during her day to day the consequences can be fatal for her. Therefore, we are going to give you some basic tips on how to feed it. Take note!

Steps to follow:


To feed a guinea pig you should know that it only serves a special feed for guinea pigs, or hamster or rabbit feed. In addition, they have to be rich in fiber and low in fat. Small guinea pigs have to eat a maximum of 20 grams a day, medium guinea pigs, up to 45 grams a day and large ones, up to 60 grams a day. If your guinea pig is finished feed, do not replenish it until the next day. Of course, the guinea pigs need feed, but it does not have to be their main meal as we have already mentioned, it is good to complement it with fruits and vegetables.


The second part of the feed is hay. The cages of the guinea pigs have to have henera and always have to be filled with fresh hay to facilitate the intestinal transit of the guinea pigs and help them to maintain their teeth. Thus, it is essential that they always have plenty of fresh hay both in the henera and on the floor of the cage, which they find easy to catch.


And, the third part is the fruit, the vegetables and the vegetables . The guinea pigs need one to two meals a day composed by them since they need vitamin C. You can eat various vegetables daily such as red pepper, cauliflower or cabbage, for example. And, once a week, chard, artichokes, broccoli, spinach, cucumbers, lettuce and fruit such as orange and apple.

Learn more about these other articles about which are the fruits that guinea pigs can eat and which are the vegetables that guinea pigs can eat.


At this point is where we are going to offer recipes to make porridge for guinea pigs . You should know that a syringe without a needle is the best way to feed your guinea pig. This way it will be easier to give him the porridge and you will make sure that he eats it. If you have noticed that your guinea pig has not eaten for more than a day, in addition to taking it to the vet, the porridge that you can make in this case is with vegetables, hay and a little oatmeal mixed with some water and always without added sugar . Pass it all through the blender so there are no large pieces left. You can also make porridge with a little crushed feed and water to create the pasta.


The red pepper is also very important for the guinea pigs so you can make a mixture that also carries canons or green shoots and water and grinding it well. It will give you a great deal of vitamin C.

Another one of the papillas that you can use is with feed and carrot . For any food that you give to your guinea pig we give you some advice, put it in the microwave first to soften it and make it easier to go through the syringe.


The fact of giving our guinea pigs this vitamin C contribution is clear. They are the only rodent that can not create this type of vitamin by himself and, therefore, you have to help them to have it in their body by adding it to their diet. A deficit of this vitamin can lead to the death of the guinea pig, because they need this contribution on a daily basis.


You must bear in mind that there are foods that are totally prohibited for our guinea pigs. Dairy products or their derivatives, avocado, eggs, meat, mushrooms, tin cans, frozen products, juices, soft drinks, potatoes or onions. Also, they do not know how to eat corn or pipes, so do not give them, they can have a choking hazard.


As you already know, we always advise you to go to your vet if you see something strange in your pet, that's the first thing you should do. If you notice that your guinea pig does not feel like eating, go and see him. Try our paps and find out what is best for her. Remember not to overdo it with the amount and above all do not give him food that he can not eat since it will cause serious intestinal problems.