How the disabled can overcome barriers

When people think of a disability, they think of a person in a wheelchair unable to walk, or a person who is deaf or blind, however, the disability also includes issues such as cancer and chronic diseases, such as AIDS . People with disabilities often face some obstacles, be they physical, mental or work barriers . There are several things that a person with a disability can do to overcome those barriers .

Steps to follow:


Know your rights . To avoid discrimination when applying for a job or attending college, it is important that you understand your rights as an individual.


Participate in activities Just because you have a disability does not mean you have to be inactive. Consider your skills and the types of activities in which you can participate. Some activities include enrollment in a sports team, a chess club, reading club, horseback riding, cooking classes and yoga. Being active is not only healthy, it can increase your confidence and improve your mood .


Change your thinking. Some people with mental disabilities allow obstacles that prevent them from enjoying their strengths and talents, but instead focus on their weakness. Often a disability can make a person feel defeated and desperate. Instead of focusing on the things you can not do because of your disability, put your emphasis on the things you can do.


Get involved with volunteer work . Maybe you might want to participate in organizations of people who share a similar disability. Working with others to help improve your lifestyle is generally good for your well-being and can improve your self-esteem. You may even want to consider organizing a conference or fundraising event in your community that helps raise money for organizations or research committed to people who benefit from that disability. It is a good way to raise awareness and a better understanding of people facing disabilities.


Change the internal language of "I can not" to "I can". They believe in their abilities and strengths that they possess. For every time a defeatist thought seizes you, immediately replace it with a positive one. You can even keep a diary or a blog of your affirmations. For example, in the journal you should write positive affirmations that focus only on your strengths, no matter how big or small. Such statements may include: "I am a good communicator" or "I have skills as a writer" and "I have a great ability to do yoga."