How to set up a cooperative society

Setting up a new business is an option that many people are contemplating as a possible way out of the crisis, thus generating an increase in self-employment. However, there are many legal forms to create a new company, so sometimes we can have doubts to know the function and how each type is created. So that you do not have this problem, in this article of .com we will explain how to set up a cooperative society .

Steps to follow:


In the first place, we will have to know if the name already exists with which we want to denominate our cooperative. For this we will have to go to the Register of cooperative societies of our autonomous community, where we will request the certificate of mismatch . We can do it through the Internet, if we have an electronic certificate, and we can request three different names.


In parallel during the period of creation, the Constituent Assembly will be held , which will be attended by all those members of the cooperative, and where they should determine the following aspects:

  • Will of the cooperative and partners
  • Economic contribution
  • Internal statutes
  • Choice of the different positions of responsibility


Subsequently we will have to carry out the liquidation of the Tax on Patrimonial Transmissions and Legal Acts, through the 620 model that we can find on the website of the Tax Agency.


In addition, we will also have to register for the following taxes and procedures:

  • Request the tax identification code
  • Registration in corporation tax
  • Registration in the economic activities tax
  • Opening of accounting books


To make the formal constitution of the cooperative, we must present before a Notary all those agreements that have reached the members of the same, as well as everything set out in the Statute of the cooperative, so that they are registered by public deed.


Finally, from the creation of the public deed we will have a month to formalize the registration before the Register of Cooperatives. It must be in the autonomous community if its activity is located only in an autonomous community, and in the central one if it carries out activities in several autonomous communities.