How to know if a car has had accidents

A thorough review of a vehicle is the only sure way to verify that a car has never suffered an accident. This is one of the questions that you are interested in knowing when you are going to buy a second hand car and it is convenient that you contrasts with a professional mechanic what the seller can tell you about it. In any case, in .com we offer you a series of tips on how to know if a car has had accidents.

Steps to follow:


The technical file of the ITV can give you an idea of ​​whether a car has been involved in an accident. Thus, for example, in the event that you have had to change the motorcycle due to a blow, this data will appear in the document, although without indicating the reason for the replacement of this key part of the car.


However, the most appropriate way to know if a car has had accidents is from a mechanic's review. Go to a professional you trust in case you need to find out this information or, in any case, hire one's services to advise you.


There are different methods to check that the sheet of the car has been repaired. Specifically, a different thickness of paint is an indicator that at this point a stroke has been recorded. There are very expensive professional devices that will detect it very easily, but you can also help with a simple magnet. In areas of the sheet that are not repaired, the magnet will stick, however, if there is too much paint, it will fall.


The windows and windshield windows can also help you determine if the car has suffered a loss in which these parts of the car have been broken. Thus, manufacturers often place the same brands of glass throughout the vehicle, so if you see that a window or the windshield are of a different signature, you may think that has suffered a break.


The fittings of the doors, bonnet and trunk of a car that has not been repaired must fit perfectly. On the other hand, if at some point they have had to be disassembled or replaced, it is likely that they do not fit perfectly and a thorough visual check will allow you to detect it.


In addition, you should look carefully at the screws that are inside the interior. See if around you there are marks that have been used to remove them. Nor is it unnecessary to get under the car with a flashlight. Even if you do not know much about mechanics, the fact that there is something anomalous like some paint remains will indicate that there has been a repair.


In case you want to know this information because you are going to buy a used car, keep in mind that it is also very important to confirm that no embargo order or any other type of cargo weighs on the car. Ask for an informative note in the DGT in the most direct way to find out. Simply, you should go to the nearest Provincial Headquarters and give the registration of the car, after requesting an appointment.