How to know if a car has been removed kilometers

Find out how to know if a car has been removed kilometers will allow you to rule out that you are being victim of a scam when you buy a second-hand car. This action is punishable by law but some people and companies carry it out when they want to get out of a vehicle that has already traveled many kilometers. The task is not easy, but in .com we give you some clues about how to know if a car has been taken kilometers.

Steps to follow:


With a diagnosis machine you can know that a car has been removed kilometers with certainty, but this device is not available to anyone and not even all workshops have it. In any case, if you have the opportunity, making a test with this machine you can access many data of the car and, among them, its actual kilometers.


From the physical point of view, you can know if a car has been removed kilometers in the case that the control panel has strange marks or notches, which may indicate that it has been manipulated to show that the vehicle has less kilometers of those that really correspond to you. So, if you think that the car, due to its external condition, should have more kilometers and you come across a notched control panel, you can suspect that it has been tampered with.


Other physical details may indicate that there has been a manipulation.

People or companies that do this practice usually spend money to make up the car repairing sheet metal and paint, so that the car offers a good appearance. However, they neglect other details such as the wear of the pedals, the door handles or the steering wheel. These last ones can give you an idea of ​​the use that has been given to the vehicle, so compare the appearance of these pieces with the kilometers that indicate you have and draw your own conclusions.


If you can access the book of revisions that you have in the official house you have the option to know if the car has been removed kilometers . So, you can find that in some of the revisions that the car has passed, more kilometers have been pointed out than what they say the car has when they want to sell it to you. Suspect not?


In certain concessionaires, when they make the revisions of the ITV, they also point out in the technical sheet the kilometers that the car has. So you can know if a car has been removed kilometers by reviewing this file.


Some workshops, when they make periodic checks on cars, put stickers inside the vehicle. Sometimes, they place them in places that are well visible but in others they are hidden. So you can take this route to know if a car has been removed kilometers. Check the vehicle well, especially on the inside of the doors, in case you find a sticker indicating the miles of a revision.


If you are in the process of acquiring a second-hand car, we recommend that you read this article in which we inform you about a series of points that you must take into account when buying a second-hand car.